How do get bandage chest piece?

I keep seeing people with a bandage chest piece mog that looks all bloodied. I was wondering on how I get one myself


First aid trainer place in old dalaran had it. Vendor sold it.

I think there was also a vendor in shrine that sold it as well, at least for horde because I bought mine during mop.

Probably all first aid trainers/vendors carry them

To mend the wood wound?

Yes, i’m bleeding out.

/10 char


It did not work

It appears that faction restrictions still apply to those united under Azshara

I have no idea who Azshara is

You can also find it on one of the vendors at the gladiator ring in AU Nagrand. They have both a ‘Clean’ (white) and ‘Dirty’ (yellow) version.

Your memories are in there somewhere! Ooh maybe this is a Varian situation…that wood spliced you into two different people!

I’m the same me. I’ve lost nothing but a lot of blood