How do fractions of a stat work?

Hey all,

Just a question about stats.

Lets say I have 24% crit chance. I eat food that gives extra crit %. I get the food buff, but my crit chance is still 24%.

I know its because its internally adding crit % but not enough to bump up a whole %.

Does the game round down and theres no point in that buff? Or am I internally still getting a buffed crit chance, it just isnt showing?

Thanks all

It’s doing the math correctly internally. They just limited the precision displayed on the UI.

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The game doesn’t do it’s calculation off 100, it does them off 10000. It’s a limitation of the default UI.

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Still get it, most UI add-ons that incorporate the character star frame show increased significant figures on numbers.

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It just doesn’t show on the character sheet. If you mouse over the stat, you’ll see that it calculates hundredths of a percent.

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Thank you, appreciate it