How do disable the night fae seed?

It is such a useless skill and it hurts me more than it helps me. I like the soulbind, but not the skill.

The skill I am talking about is podtender.

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Pick a different soulbind.


While it does frequently trigger in instances where recovery is impossible anyway, it really can’t ‘hurt’ you, it just gets wasted. The rare occasions where you CAN recover make it feel really great though, but it would probably be nice if we could just cancel it and speed up the death if a wipe is guaranteed.

Since it’s the only soulbind in the game with a second potency conduit slot available already switching would almost certainly be a DPS loss until other soulbinds get their extra slots unlocked.


you have a buff just right click it and it goes away.

You could also make a macro to aura cancel but I don’t know the name of the buff.

/cancelaura spell

I’ve tried that for Podtender and it didn’t work, not sure if that’s intended or just an addon interfering.

Might have been a bug I know I was able to on raid wipes.

Next time I hearth I’ll try to test it.

How? You died.
Don’t die, don’t get podtender. Or just pick a different soulbind line.

Makes sense. Hmm… not sure how to combat it.

In order to maximize my conduits, I had to take this one. It was kind of annoying that it took so long to come out of the pod, but it is what it is and I need the other conduits that are linked in that chain.

Incorrect in many cases. Sim it and you may find that your primary Soulbind is better.

I suppose I should have added the caveat of “if Night Fae is your best Covenant or close to it”.

It actually saved me 1 time in a raid last night… Every other time it was a complete waste and really annoying to wait for.