How do disable skyriding bar?

How do I disable this stupid action bar override whenever I mount up?

That’s a great question; I’m working on it this a.m., too. Haven’t found a solution yet, and have to get to work, but so far i’ve just tried in game UI stuff. Might try Bartender or Weak Auras later if I can’t solve it.

One idea would be simply to have Action Bar 1 (the one that gets swapped when you mount up) be a “duplicate” of say, whatever you have on Action Bar 2, but that is admittedly a bit janky.

If I’m understanding the request correctly, you don’t need to make it a duplicate of AB-2, just put the same abilities on the Skyriding bar that are on AB-1. It would be as if nothing changed.

My Skyriding bar only has 3 adv-flying abilities on it, but otherwise contains everything else I have on AB-1.

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From reddit;

/console AutoPushSpellToActionBar 0

although you have to do this for every character, just make sure you log out to save it.
There might be a cvar you can change or something similar on the server side, also from that reddit post someone recommended some addon called "DisableAutoAddSpells "