How did you choose your main?

Been playing this game since beta for vanilla, basically only PvP, and have never had a main. Not sure I ever will, I guess.

Anyone with a similar problem, how’d you choose? What do you love about your class?


Well I’ve always been a huge altaholic, but really enjoyed coming back to affliction with the introduction of the jinx talent. I also hit my peak on it and am really curious to see how far i can push it, as i never thought id hit 2k in anything

So i guess progress is the reason i chose to stick with it, and the general class fantasy blah blah, but i will always mess with alts to a degree


By how edge lord they can be


It’s pretty easy I just pick what’s currently strongest.


I thought it was cool that enh had duel wield and were berserk like. I also liked the support aspect of the spec and that it could deal both magic and melee damage.

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I started playing in BC, it was my first MMO experience and I had no idea what I was doing. I rolled hunter and actually tried to play a DW Survival melee build, my guild convinced me to roll war after a few raids. Wrath I fell in love with Unholy, kept going between arms/unholy till BFA when I decided to give official melee Surv a try and haven’t looked back (except when I get tilted at how much it gets ignored at times by blizz).

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I found a mog that I liked then somebody asked if I’d press intervene on them.


I two shot 8 people and knew it was meant to be


Something that can 1v1 a warlock and live to tell the tale

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Lost a duel to a frost mage in Cata. Wizarding ever since

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Lost a bet back in cata and the punishment was to make an alt of the class/spec I hated the most.

Nerf dh tho

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All the people I played with at the end of vanilla all had mains, and all played Alliance. They told me they wanted a shaman, so I made a shaman when bc launched. Never really looked back. Not really sure why.

I’ve always side mained a paladin, but my “main” main, will always be my shaman.

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I think I started in tbc and I’ve never had a main hehehe

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The game isnt fun enough to warrant me doing the same stuff over again on more than one character, plus Ive done everything on this one character since late Wrath

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Deus vult.

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i just like purple


This character is the one I’ve main’d since TBC. Before that doesn’t really matter.

I was watching the TBC trailer which featured a draenei retribution paladin wielding Hammer of the Naaru. I thought that character looked awesome, I made one, and haven’t looked back since!

The only difference between then and now is that now I’m bald and have spent way too much time in the sun.:wink:


Weird way of hiding the fact that you’re now a demon.


I came from runescape in vanilla where a friend of mine told me paladins could use seals to evoke religious magic and depending on the seal smite their opponent for different effects, hunters were archers & rogues were thieves.

So I made a dwarf hunter after watching the trailer until I realized rogue had throwing weapons from level 1 & hunters couldn’t do anything with a throwing weapon. Kinda never turned back. Priest was my 2nd class to make finding groups easier.


I choosed Elemental Shaman 20 years ago (lolwtf) in Vanilla Beta and never played another class/specc.

I remember reading an article (before the game came out) that shamans could summon huge elementals together. I didn’t realize that they were talking about the NPC shaman in Alterac that can summon that huge stone elemental if you gather enough blood from enemies :smile:

Idk. I just liked it from start on and never had the urge to switch.

Although I have to say that Ele was the best before he became this stupid lava burst spam thing.
Cata/MoP for live!

PvP only btw.