How did they screw up Outlaw this badly?

It’s one of the hardest rotations in the game, as your CDs are aren’t actually CDs, they’re essentially rotation to do regular damage, not CDs. GCD is faster via haste compared to every other class, and you literally have to click something different every second, while reacting to procs every other second.

100% uptime on Blade Flurry, BtE, maintain a 5buff for 5 minutes straight by manipulating RtB maths and CD coordination, and not even hitting par compared to other specs/people who I know never played competitively.

Worse yet, Outlaws should know ANY downtime has a massive domino effect on maintaining damage, and with Acrobatic Strikes gone [which has been with Outlaw since it started, and literally designed around it as a necessity to play well] ripped out to force this downtime if you do any mechanic in any boss - meaning you can’t raid without getting replaced by any other class/spec.

On top of that, Combat/Outlaw has been the cleave/toe-to-toe spec since like the beginning of WoW, and now it’s a joke. Hell, you can’t even compete with undergeared people anymore.

Is it Blizz’s plan to go bankrupt? Because I’ve only been back a week after 5 years, and I’m already thinking about quitting because devs clearly don’t know what they’re doing [but I do]. They’re catering to other ‘competitive’ people complaining about Outlaw’s perks for literally being the hardest rotation to play since Legion, when the ‘competitive’ people don’t even understand the spec [along with the devs] and compare it to classes that top meters with burst with 3 buttons, when Outlaw’s never been designed that way.

Devs, stop listening to people who don’t know what they’re talking about, and don’t listen to your newer devs who are trying to reinvent the wheel to get a promotion when all they’re doing is just screwing everything up and losing you money. People don’t want to play an unfun game because you keep listening to people who want the ‘no effort’ meta spec every tier.

I don’t want to play the ‘bullied by devs’ spec all the time just because other people can’t play it. Can’t recommend this game to any friends, i’d actually have to actively turn people away who show any interest.


WoD PVE Sub at least did GIGA damage and was an elite DPS spec with a complex rotation but that is not the case with Outlaw in general.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

sounds like a skill issue

Played Sub in WoD on Mythic raids, traded it for Outlaw bc it was a lot more active than Sub.

Can’t even play sub anymore because they made it into something totally different. Boring, easy. They’ve been doing this to Rogue in general since the end of legion. If you want to keep changing it because others complain about it, just delete the entire class. Bad enough having to farm 4 weapons instead of 1 with some of the most complex rotations as a melee.

Why? Cause people cry about not being able to play it, and corporate lemmings wanting clout to get a promotion. Management is the same across the board in corporations, they lie about what they accomplish to get promotions, and screw everything up for everyone else.

Not hard to figure out if you have any business experience, and it’s why they keep losing money.

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Yeah i remember the problems started back at the beginning of Legion.

You know, when the spec was born.

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Outlaw was fun in Legion beta but they slowly turned it into an RNG nightmare.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman: