If Ursine Adept allowed all instant druid spells to be castable in bear form then almost all of those “useless” spells would suddenly become quite useful and highly considered.
They realized the issue with innervate, they just didn’t pull the plug to make the whole thing actually work.
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I think it’s a waste of points when I have to take talents that are unusable as a guardian, when there is stuff down at the bottom that would be usable.
which captstones were nuked? From what I’ve seen, they got buffed cuz our capstones were horrible. That’s why Demo has such bad ST is cuz it’s capstones are so bad.
Yet Impending Victory is which is the actual “heal” ability for Prot and is better Regen albeit having a melee target stipulation. WoG/Death Strike/Expel Harm are all also on the global and are sustain based defensive abilities.
Ignore Pain is the only defensive “heal” that is the real outlier here.
What happened to the weekly tuning where classes were getting adjusted by small percentages to narrow the gap? Why did this stop?
Are classes with huge utility gaps just going to suffer the whole expansion? As classes with more utility also just do more DPS in general?
Are the half-finished class trees just going to remain stagnant for another two years when a bunch of classes/specs are unfinished/clunky as hell? Cough Hunter. Cough.
They started off strong, but I guess they are too busy working on 10.1?
Oh well, maybe in 2024 my spec will feel good to play.
I suspect it’s worse than that. For guardian at least, we probably won’t see another shot at major fixes until 11.0
Cause MT they gave everyone a freebee and locked it up thats why you dont go to forums saying blank is easy.
Some scenario with tons of rot damage and you get giga-value from after the wildfire. That’d be about it.
That’s very optimistic of you. Based on past history, I’m thinking 13.0.