How did survival hunter get the best gap closer?

This is from a world PvE perspective.

Survival Hunter have Harpoon, which brings you to the target, 30 yard range, resets when you get a kill, and restores focus over time so even if you are resource capped when you use it, you can still benefit from it. Makes hopping from target to target super useful.

Warrior gets Charge, which is okay, 25 yard range, gives rage, 2 charges, but if you’re capped oh well, longish cooldown and no reset. They also have Heroic Leap, but that’s got an even longer cooldown and one charge.

Death Knight gets death grip, which does reset on kill, 30 yard range, doesn’t give resources, and drags the opponent to you, so you’re more likely to have to move after a kill to get a new target in range.

Paladin gets… Divine Steed? 45 second cooldown, just yikes.

Demon Hunter has Felblade and Fel Rush, short range, short cooldown, potential to reset from a different ability use. Pretty meh.

Rogue has Shadowstep, multiple charges, 25 yard range, long cooldown.

Druid has Wild Charge 25 yard range, 15 second cooldown, versatile. It’s okay.

Monk has Roll, multiple charges, long cooldown, short range. WW can get Flying Serpent Kick, which is fun, but long cooldown and medium range.

Shaman has… ghost wolf? Feral Lunge. 25 yards, 30 second cooldown, bottom tier dredge and doesn’t really fit the class flavor imo.

Interesting, never really compared gap closers before I played Survival Hunter, but Harpoon is just head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd, and some classes should just be embarrassed. Paladin.

Thoughts? What did I miss, I don’t know every class and ability in the game but I feel like I missed one or two abilities.

lol the best gap closer? As in the “I hit a pebble and wasted a cooldown” closer?

It’s almost as bad as grappling hook

That’s why you use those sick jump shots.

The best gap closer is a 180degree-spin Disengage and we all know it.


Good point, I’ve used disengage and vengeful retreat like that.

Harpoon is extremely glitchy
I’ve used it on some bosses and got thrown so hard to the air that I had a drill I could pierce the heavens

No hunter is taking that harpoon talent to make it reset it’s a complete DPS loss.

First you need to talent it to even have the ability, then another talent to get the benefits from it. No one is wasting two talents for it

Demon Hunters and monks mobility is still superior vs anyone else

looks around

Are we being punk’d right now?

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Survival has pretty cracked mobility. Harpoon is a lot of fun. Very fun spec.

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Nope, I’m completely serious. Harpoon has been amazing for me.

Thoughts? What did I miss, I don’t know every class and ability in the game but I feel like I missed one or two abilities.

Rogues have access to Grappling Hook which is mechanically similar to Heroic leap

Shaman have access to Gust of Wind which is most closely similar to Fel Rush, but is really its own little thing

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It’s a great questing and leveling talent that’s a trade-off for them being one of worse melee classes in dungeons and raids.