listen man, I will throw u cash for a cool cat form, thanks
listen man, I will throw u cash for a cool cat form, thanks
no thanks
we need choices, and ones that are shiny, preferably
Still hoping for the day.
god, i hope we get these one day.
Druids have plenty of cool cat forms. Shaman have like 1 variation.
Theres actually a few…Original, Raptor, “Updated” Lightning Wolf, Shadowlands Wolf.
Its kind of a band-aid for that each race doesn’t have it’s own ghost wolf model.
I figured there was some I was missing. I barely played SL so I didn’t even know there was a wolf form from it. That being said, still less than what Druids have lol
i was talking about the spectral lupine / vulpine
that, or something comparably shiny, should belong to druids because a shaman sees their mog feral does not