I will repost mine later after posting this topic. Already did in another forum, when thought it would be a great discussion post. Please also, when doing this, try and keep the descriptions within the guidelines of the CoC, and don’t try and spam here also. I would seriously want this to be a good and decent conversation.
I’m a fuzzy little vulpera with the last name Butt.
all my toons have rose in the name because its my favourite flower, after or before is either a maori or island name and when i am blank its a colour like rosepink lol, also all my mokos names in my toons in one way or another, moko = grandchild
I’m Māori too, it’s great to see us all in WoW lol. Ngāti Horde for me haha.
Shasia is what I hear when a shadow priest is in voidform.
It sounded pretty and since she is a void elf I thought it was fitting.
Took it from one of my all-time favorite games.
I’m super picky and really take my time naming my characters because if the name isn’t just right, I feel like my character is a stranger. I always pick names that fits with each character’s race. I chose “Maijoon” because she’s Pandaren and that sounds like a Chinese name? Mai was the name of the main female character in the animated movie Next Gen and Joon from the movie Benny & Joon, I’ve always thought Joon is a cute name. And also it seems to me that some Asians will take the name of months to be their American names? Like May and June?
About half of my other characters I have relied heavily on the [World of Warcraft Fantasy Name Generator] website. I like to find names that are pleasant to me, familiar-ish, or sometimes I’ll take pieces of two different names from the generator and create a new name.