How did I do with this Archon tree concept?

You listed “Void” 6 times in your opening post.

We really need to take into consideration that “Shadow” is the highest in terms of ranking when it comes to the cosmic alignment chart.


  1. each of the nine chief [magistrates] in ancient Athens.

Archon is a Greek word that means “ruler”, frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem αρχ-, meaning “to be first, to rule”, derived from the same root as words such as [monarch] and [hierarchy].

Essentially Archon = Ruler/Leader/highest level of authority.

Meaning when considering Holy and Shadow specs. They should be the penultima authority in their own rights. So any notion of “Void” should not even need to be considered in relation to Shadow as Void is a subset of Shadow as well as we have a “Voidweaver” Hero Talent Path already, so ANY and ALL Void verbiage and themes should belong to that tree. Shadow is more than “Void” as “Void” is just a partial piece of Shadow. Shadow has the Shadow Word spell concept, Mind/Mental concept, Vampiric / leech concept, Dark Naaru and the Dark Angelic concept (Fallen Angel… Dark Ascension).

Some posts I go into further detail concerning this “theme” or “identity crisis”

Priest - Identity crisis (Thematic)

Priest - Oracle and Archon comparison (Thematic)

Now that I have addressed the primary issue I have with your use of Naming and Theme (On the fence but leaning to not liking the Twilight naming and concept as well).

Before going into the talent tree concept you are presenting, I want to make a point about this teetertotter back and forth of Holy and Shadow alignment… it just gives off a massive callback to Balance druid Sun/Moon balancing resource system in prior expansions. From what I hear and the little I played around it myself, it was very unfun and just annoying to deal with.

I’ll look over your talent tree and if I have something to say, ill post it in a follow up post.


  • Void should belong to Voidweaver, not Archon
  • Holy/Shadow teetertotter similar to balance Sun/moon balance system sounds very unfun and annoying.