How did BM get nerfed so hard in S1

yet things like DH, Mage, Destro, Ret, Assa are still a thing pulling dps anywhere from 24k-35k dps AND HOLDING those numbers??

l get it people dont like to fight BM hunters when they are good but how can they get nerfed like they did in S1 and never get tuned a bit??

like wtf like 2 BM hunters that are in the 2.1ish in 2s. literally none even that high in 3s.

not asking to get buffed and be like DH 2.0 but damn a little love aint to much to ask for.


Can you still stun while lined? Is the primary source of your damage your pet? If so, its in the perfect spot. The second the hunter does more damage than the pet we can talk about buffs my dude.


All changes go around PvE now, so there’s your answer.


i mean i get you cant judge alot by representation, but if theres no BM hunters 2.4 at least, in 2s or 3s somthing must be wrong.

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the season just started. only like 30 people are above 2.4 in 3s my man. BM is by no means a tier 1 spec, but hogx gets like 2700 as BM every season.

edit: my bad only 23 people above 2.4 in 3s atm

TBH I’ve seen the BM hunters in my raid performing insanely well and thought about how they would do in arena. I think HLD with tentacles on the hunter/lock would be a really darn good comp. Super strong defensively and has some super obnoxious pressure. Only trouble I see for the comp is trying to reliably get traps on healers.

Lol people still against the bm while rogues literally cc’ing people 5 times as often and can kill u in 4 seconds in a stun…but bm should be bad because the pet ai does damage like a rogues ai does his damage from his hands…sorry Mr rogue forgot that u don’t push buttons like bm hunters do…Mr rogue didn’t realize u jumped into the screen and did ur characters moves…u can stun from stealth complaining of a class using a stun from Los…bm has weaknesses like pets easily killed now, and pet being perma ccd by any aoe cc or any single target too…coming from some other class I wpuldnt mind the judgement on why to keep bm non represented…but from a rogue ur opinion means nothing when of all rank 1s on the us ladderboard their were 25 mages, 19 rogues…

Oh and btw hogx doesn’t get 2700+ every season…he gets 2400-2550ish per season. And he’s too repped bm. Top ranked rogue being 3200ish…funny arguement to bring. Honestly it’s good you probably have no respect for bm because that attitude on why to cuck a spec based on ignorence makes me not respect u irl.


If classes had depth again I don’t think folks would mind BM as much and would adapt more with using CCs on the pet.

And BM isn’t like the seperation anxiety days in legion, they have to maintain a dot to ramp pet damage and it doesn’t take too much effort in letting to bleed fall off

Would much rather face BM hunters than rogues, fire mages, entire friends cast of BFA arena specs that have been running rampant for so long now.

@OP BM and Ele got smacked hard, others didn’t and won’t oh well

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comps and countercomps

c o m p o s i t i o n
c o u n t e r p l a y

pretty much made no sense with nothing to add to the topic. seeing as this is a troll post, posting from a toon with 3 posts

didnt want this to turn in to a BM vs everyone who hate BM post.

just venting. MM is trash and plays like it. Surv is melee. BM is the only ranged spec worth anything.


it all feels the same in the dark

So hunters are still dead last in 2s and 3s representation this season, pretty much the same they have been for the whole xpac.

You CAN make it work in both 2s and 3s, but it’s going to be difficult.

BM was doing 15k to 20k sustained dps the first few weeks of season 1 before it was nerfed like 3 times.

Since then the 30 to 50% nerf to pet damage had stayed in place, and BM has not scaled well at all as the seasons have progressed.

BM is in the upper third for pve dps, so don’t expect any changes before the next expansion.

If you ever want to throw ideas around for BM pvp feel free to drop me a message here or in game



bring the player not the class

If you say so

static damage and healing values

BM has not scaled well for you or

PvE in a PvP thread I like your style m8


Pets do 15 to 20% of my damage most games and don’t usually end up in the top 5 of my damage abilities.

BM at the start of the expansion was more broken than DH is now (BM was my main in S1 and in legion/wod). Incredibly high damage with incredibly high spirit mend healing on the best kiting spec in the game was a bit much. That being said I was really hoping the 30% nerf would be the end of it. When it got to 50% it felt pretty rough compared to assa rogue.

I know this is a bm post, but lol. Ret happens to do those numbers when Earth align with the moon and we see the lunar eclipse happening twice a year then immediately drop dps within seconds due to any cc or just kiting.

Anyway its the keepers of the 1600 bracket

P l a g a r i s m

he isnt saying he doesnt want it buffed cuz of pve, he just understands the devs are thinking that way and are only balancing around pve atm and dont care about pvp at all


haha that area code
bye bye

Bm hunters are one of those specs i just hate when are strong. Same with frost dks…especially chill streak. Or tanks. Thats just my opinion as a trash tier spriest who does more rbgs than actual arena