I think a modified version of vanilla would have huge potential to be a lot of fun for a much longer period of time. I don’t care much either way though, I would play regardless.
Exactly. If the Classic AH does not allow for sale of the tokens, which is how Blizzard should have it, then there’s no influx of gold into Classic. So the Token remains exactly what it is now:
Means to buy game time for a WoW Account (which is both Retail/Classic)
Means to buy other items from the Blizzard Store including character services and non-WoW products
This is strictly my opinion (duh), but I’m all about game play. I want the authentic (as much as possible) game play experience. To me, that goes beyond graphics and things like guild banks etc. I don’t have issue with things like mount tabs or whatever.
I’m in the minority, but I’ll give all that stuff up for authentic game play like re-tuning numbers, fixing tanking to pre 1.11, etc.
The elephant in the room is sharding and how that’s going to play out. That could mess everything up where none of this will matter.
I think they’ll probably have to crib from BC and make Bear a viable tank as well, otherwise there’ll be a massive tank shortage, as there was throughout Vanilla. Prot Paladin is probably out of luck, as the horde doesn’t get that class.
It’s only an issue if you want to play that class that way. Otherwise, it doesn’t affect players in the slightest. It’s not as though making Bears viable tanks would have resulted in thousands of players just sitting around saying “It’s too bad that a tank can’t get work around here. On the bright side though, all of these bears make the world a better looking place.”
If something is going to fundamentally change the classic experience I don’t believe it has any place in game. This includes changes to itemization, specs, classes, raid mechanics, world buffs, etc…
If something is a technical update that doesn’t have an overall impact on the experience I don’t have any issues. This includes updated graphics/resolutions, underlying database changes, API updates for mods.
Something like adding autoloot instead of having to Shift-Click will in no way impact the overall experience. Something like AoE AutoLoot completely changes it.