I’m “no changes” to the SPIRIT of classic, rather than a dogmatic exact 1:1 recreation…
That basically means looking over every area of the game, as if this was a final patch 1.13 and a last chance to do things “right”/address vanilla’s major flaws, in ways that are authentic to the game…
For some examples:
-Dishonorable Kills did absolutely nothing useful to the game, but kill WPvP. They would be removed, even if it’s not “authentic” because WPvP should exist.
-Warriors, where the only class that feedback loop scaled, where more damage meant more rage, which meant more damage… As a result they become quite broken in very strong gear (naxx) and relatively weak when their gear is poor… I’d normalize the rage gains to fix that.
-Any and all Xrealm functionality would be removed.
-Hybrid dps where incredibly sub par, and there would be some changes made there to improve their raid-sustained DPS AND/OR UTILITY to make them more attractive options. Special care would be taken that these would not result in burst damage increases or otherwise break pvp… and obviously not buff them to the point where dps without any utility become obsolete.
That all said, I think that we are very well beyond the point where this discussion is anything but academic. The major systems for the game are all very likely decided and “locked in” at this point, we where just waiting for Ythisens to update us on the results of those internal blizzard decisions. It will be curious to see if Blizzard was ambitious enough to even try and bring non 1.12 ideas into the mix, such as the earlier versions of AV, but I’d bet against them doing anything more than the bare minimum of porting 1.12 in, despite some serious flaws present by that point (most specifically, the inclusion of Xrealm tech, in anticipation of TBC pvp systems adding a 4th BG and arenas)
I am probably one of the most extreme when it comes to #nochanges but after hearing an arguement for this one issue I changed my mind.
Tokins… please hear me out before you fame me.
I have been playing WoW since it’s release… and one thing is indisputable. There has ALWAYS been people buying gold, though normally was done through “Susan Exp and her friends”…
I don’t like the idea of them but vs hackers trying to gain access to accounts or ruining the in game experience with bots.
I would accept tokins.
Remember that a tokin will NOT get you 100k as they would be as per vanilla gold levels so they would get you maybe 200g??
Meaning that money rich, time poor people would buy their riding skill gold from blizz and not a 3rd party site. Either way there will always be gold purchased.
For people that have plenty of time but their finances demand their money be spent on things other than games they can buy tokins for game time.
Having tokins would also provide revenue to blizzard, which after looking at the earnings is probably something important for the longevity of the servers.
People selling gold for $$ or buying gold for $$ has always happened tokins just makes it safer for all involved and give some money to blizz.
Personally I will not use them but still think they are a good system that removes that dodgy 3rd party element from the game.
“I won’t use tokens (because I don’t buy gold) so I don’t have to worry about my account getting hacked by gold sellers, but I want tokens in the game so that all those ‘other people’ that buy gold can do so without risking their account being hacked or banned.”
My point being say if things are retuned to their original difficulty. This means FR matters. You had to farm Ony for the FR a certain number of times to get enough. MC would take 4-5 hours in the beginning. 1 wipe at any point in original scholo/strath would mean GG start over, due to broken respawn rates and insane amounts of trash.
Maybe you would love it, but the people that are obsessed with “fresh” and see it as one giant easy mode race would have a cow. They don’t want to put in the work either.
How did you manage to rollback talents, get the old armor values, pre-nerf instances, mobs, trash, , everything?
Edit: Sure, I’ll take your word for it. If they want it to be that way, then great. How you did it, or accuracy of such isn’t relevant to our conversation.
The only real change I would like to see them make is to properly itemize the gear sets for the role the class was intended to play in Vanilla. I don’t need to pew pew ret dps but I would like to wear paladin gear to heal and not have to steal the priests’ stuff.
Dude did I say reitemize every single piece if paladin gear in the game? I said the sets! If you look up preraid BiS there is one piece of plate and its a green.
And I said that you can still wear all plate and do fine. I’m not talking BiS, I’m talking “comfortably filling your role”. You can do that in all plate gear, just not necessarily all Lightforge. Why should Lightforge be only a healing set anyways?
No you are trying to move the goal posts because you are wrong. You are still wrong. You cannot wear plate and fulfill your role as a pally starting to raid.
I’m perfectly fine with what has been announced. I don’t understand at all why people would purposely want bugs in the game for nostalgia purposes…that’s just silly.
I just hope they don’t rush through the content release stages just to appease power levelers and private server patrons who have been practicing for this for years. a nice progression is needed, otherwise, this will all start again with 'we need Classic original servers.
I’m actually extremely lenient personally on changes. I have very few requirements, all related to combat.
I would play an ad choked pay-to-win transmog retail hand holding Quest Hub linear heirloom sharted s***fest if it had mandatory CC, ttk higher that a few seconds, and maybe some gear modification (armor kits enchants etc).
I’m not moving any goal posts: you can wear all plate and heal fine. That’s what I’ve been saying, there hasn’t been any movement on that. Good lord, do you really think you can’t wear plate and heal as a Paladin? And I’m the one who is wrong? This is so absurd it’s gotta be a troll.