How come its 2023 and we still can't do Ordos

As someone who did the notoriously difficult Island mega achieve without the cloak, allow me to clarify a couple things for everyone in this thread:

  1. You can use a glider to get to the island Ordos is on.
  2. The mistake people make is using the bridge to glide from. Whilst it is doable this way, it’s stupid. The correct method is to use the crane statue to get flung up super high in the air and then activate your glider. This effectively gives you flying across the entire island.
  3. So long as you avoid Ordo’s central courtyard area, you will not get ported out. This means that you can access the side atrium area on the left where the rare is as well as all the grassy areas.
  4. If you land behind the central courtyard area where Ordos is, you can actually pull Ordos from behind provided you do not get too close or you will get ported out.
  5. Killing Ordos this way does not award the achievement or any loot.
  6. People in this thread saying you can drop down on Ordos and kill him are either lying or using lag to do it. The teleport out happens very quickly if you get too close and there is no warning.
  7. Ordos doesn’t drop anything unique. He used to but I’m pretty sure blizz has since patched in alternate sources for the leather helm.
  8. From a gameplay and logic PoV, it was a massively stupid mistake to remove the MoP cloak and the WoD ring questline. It would be like deleting the BfA cloak questline. That’s how stupid it was and still is to this day. Granted the BfA cloak was a lot more important than the MoP cloak or the WoD ring, but their deletion still leaves giant gaps in the lore in-game regardless. To this day nobody who didn’t play MoP knows who Wrathion is or why we should care a hoot about him thanks to this very issue. So when he turned up again in Bfa and DF, the rest of us were like…new phone, who dis? :thinking:

Old cloak-earner here (character’s defunct now but eh). OPEN IT BACK UP, BLIZZ!!


Joke aside, was it though? I don’t recall Wrathion doing much in that expansion, but it was a while ago.

Hey now-- You got a whole huge community dedicated to TW. Ofc people care that old gear stays awesome.

There was an entire community that twinked out their alts for the level 19 bracket of WSG. There’s communities for everything.

However, that doesn’t mean Blizzard goes back and fixes old gear for these niche players. That’s why I said “old content is old.” If they bring back the ring, they’re not going to care if it’s broke unless it affects level 70 players.

P.s. and this really isn’t about the ring, it’s about the content removed. A big chunk of the story for both MoP and WoD was taken away when they took the questlines away.

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You also can have someone with a two setter fly you over the gap to the boss.

Fly over the gap, sure. However you can’t get to the boss without the cloak. You can only run around the outside of the wall.

how about a lot of things…since it’s nearly 2024…
some of us are nearly 2 decades in on this game.
as joe biden might say, “come on maaaaaaan!”

Posting in support of restoring the removed legendary questline and/or making ordos available to all.


Honestly,it should have been in the first place . They even said it would be but I guess they forgot about that apart.

if they allow new characters to get the cloak… they better restore that corrupted ashbringer that I had that I deleted but they won’t restore even though I have pics.

FOMO is FOMO, you missed out. just gotta accept it.

I remember when it was current content and everyone was cracking jokes about Ordos “knocking players up”. Good times.

Just another example of Blizzard arbitrarily removing content from the game because… reasons.

As someone who farmed up all four cloaks, I don’t feel special. They weren’t hard to get. Literally just spammed LFR for the quests. They need to just put the cloaks and quests back into the game already. Same with the WOD rings.