How come ffiv doesn't have voiceacting

Nah, math isn’t concerned with a “spec being out of line.” Are the others good enough? If so, then good.

Samples exceeding acceptable tolerance is 100% a math thing. Anyway, now that that’s over with, back to the message that unites us all: NERF DHs!

Thankfully, that’s not the case with DH.

That’s a source of division, and that’s a math problem.

Sorry we were already finished. Shush now.

Good, no more of this nerfing nonsense.

No no, we finished here.

Take care bud. And, with our business concluded:

So, voice acting in 14 went from terrible (ARR) to “meh-okay” (Heavensward) to “decent” (Stormblood) to fracking amazing (Shadowbringers).

As with everything, they got better over time.

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How long will it take me to get to heavensawrd?

What level are you and what part are you at?

Honestly 14, while the main story in 14 is amazing, ARR sucked. It’s entirely skippable from a story perspective (with cliffs), and involves a lot of back and forth BS. As a result, SE is truncating it all in an upcoming patch.

The big issue is the Seventh Astral Era questline, which takes an eternity. If you can afford it, wait for the revamp, or pay the skip IMO. It’s kind of sucky, but thems the truth. You could sit through it all, but its not worth potentially driving you away.

Here’s a list of the SEA quests subsequent to the completion of the ARR main storyline:

Yes, there are 100.

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I’m level 1 lol. Any idea when they are shortening it?

Patch 5.3 will bring a bunch of brand-new scenario quests, marking the conclusion of Shadowbringers’ core questline, as well as a big update to the storyline itself. It’ll be “reworked to give new players a more streamlined experience as they progress to Heavensward and beyond”, and players will also get the chance to fly in A Realm Reborn’s areas after finishing the ‘Ultima Weapon’ quest, too.

Not sure what that means. But, that’s what it is.

Awesome thank you! I have never played final fantasy and have no idea what’s it’s about but I can’t wait to find out!

ARR story is kind of meh
Heavensward is amazing. It’s kind of like Wrath.
Stormbringers is good if you like weeby stuff, just passable otherwise. I liken it to maybe Cata or WoD.
Shadowbringers is like Wrath, BC, and Legion rolled into one. With some caveats, of course.

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A rejected claim is still rejected.

As far as balance goes, to put in perspective:

WoW, 90th percentile:
best dps is 34% better than the worst dps
Removing the top as an outlier, the second best is still 23% better than the worst dps.

FF14 90th percentile RDPS:
Best dps is 11% better than the worst DPS.
Even if you take away buffs and only do ADPS: 27% better than worse dps. Which is inaccurate because some jobs are balanced around them giving buffs. Overall, balance has been pretty consistent.

Balancing is easier with less classes, sure, but come on blizz, you’ve had 15 years to figure it out. l