How Can You Still Side With Sylvanas

Wow, some people take this ridiculous story way too seriously… Hope you’re all prepared for the Sylvanas redemption arc.

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Personally I like Faction wars. It’s what drew me into this game Horde vs Alliance. I am competitive and I like making friends and rivals in PvP.

As for the story goes that would actually be a good kick starter for the next expansion, where we don’t win, no one wins. Sylvanas watches how Nathanos dies, Anduin sees Greymane being swallowed by the sea. Saurfang sees Thrall being wept away by NZoth. Tyrande loses Malfurion etc etc. clean house. Some story build up everyone loses. But at the end we all realize that our inner conflict is not what we need to worry about.

Imagine Blizzard pulling a Game of Thrones and getting rid of not one but several main characters in one short narrative. They dont have the guts.

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Yes, because we can’t be at war, unless it’s a faction war. No other wars, have existed, nor ever will exist, in the world of warcraft, if it’s not a faction war between the alliance and horde.

Gosh that’s so ridiculously short sighted.

can I follow Azshara or some various old god pls. being the good guy kinda sucks for like 6-8 xpacs in a row

Except it wasn’t random. You are completely ignoring story elements. The plan was to kill Malfurion and get them to surrender. After that failed she was basically told they would never surrender. She decided just to burn it. You should look up WW2 and see how the US did the same over and over.

Sorry, but Alliance started the war in Legion. Stop ignoring story elements.

and again ignoring story elements that you don’t like.


Azshara will happily get you as one of her newest followers. :octopus:

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Because Garrosh was a racist, and was attacking a faction that wasn’t even at war with him, Thus Baine stepped in to try to prevent as many casualties as he could.

Jaina was not at war with the horde, Jaina and her people were not alliance.

Saurfang has rightfully been disillusioned by Sylvanas, because all of these actions she’s pulling off, are causing nothing but -horde- suffering, she’s suffering nothing from it.

But people are too blinded by their faction goggles to realize there’s more than just red and blue.

Genn AND the Stormwind navy supported by the Stormwind officers.

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yo I’ve always been a fan of bad guys; hell yea

Alliance did not start the war in the Legions, Genn attacked Sylvanas, and no actual wars took place, if you want to hold someone accountable, hold Genn accountable.

And I’m not ignoring story elements, you are.

Sylvanas literally did all of Teldrassil as a first strike attack, because she was paranoid the alliance were 5-10+ years down the road, maybe at some point going to attack the horde.

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(Because she’s trying to win). I’m tired of this back-and-forth, and she aims to put a stop to that. You would prefer endless deaths in countless more altercations? I wouldn’t.

It’s stated that she did so because Saurfang couldn’t get his axe up. If the Night Elves had all of their leaders live, they would’ve, without a doubt, reorganized and tried to retake the tree, which would’ve meant more losses for the Horde, if not losing the tree in general, as the Night Elves know that tree far better than the Horde do, and defending it as Horde would’ve been a nightmare.

The Alliance had so many SI:7 spies in Org that Saurfang could basically dialogue with them. Those same spies - and the player - were sent down to Silithus to destroy Horde operations there, which included Goblin workers - who aren’t military, so are AKA civilians.

She really didn’t in retrospect, but that’s not to say she would not hesitate to take the opportunity of someone attacking her to retaliate with full-force.

Which is another reason why people like her.


You forget LK, BC, Vanilla?


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War that was going to start by one side or the other eventually. Horde struck first, and if Saurfang had actually done his job would of been over already with a victory.

The book had a much better outlook on what Slyvanas was doing, and explained this was all preemptive. It was going to happen eventually, the general population of the Horde isn’t happy with any type of peace with the Alliance. Nor should they be, the Alliance is just trying to throw all the crap they’ve done under the table. Neither side is squeeky clean. And if people read the book, Slyvanas’s goal was to cause several 100 years of peace rather than just a few like what had been happening over and over again. Not to mention, Alliance was arming up right off the shore of Kalimdor (In the giant tree Horde burnt down).

You’re also calling for peace, in a game, that is literally based on the Orc vs Human war that started all this (Yay warcraft 1, 2 and 3). The entire point of the game is to have two warring factions. We’re not having the best story telling for sure, but I am personally (And I’m sure many other are too) playing to fight the opposing faction. If that wasn’t there, this game would lose half of its fun.

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Thats a very legitimate reason to act on though. Would you rather have the Alliance build up their armies first before we striked back at them?

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They’re intentionally hiding details of what Sylvanas does. It seems like they are railroading your character to opposed her but I’m making my mage side with her in the alt questline just to see where it goes.

My paladin is siding with saurfang so I can see what happens in both versions of the quest.

Personally I think WoW would be a lot emptier without Sylvanas and Ashzara so I hope neither of them die.


I have no idea what your trying to imply here.

We’ve been at war with other factions for a long time, since vanilla and onwards, yet people try to act like the faction war is the -only- war in existence in wow.

Yes, Paranoia at an attack, while the pacifist in chief anduin is in charge?

If Anduin suddenly got dethroned for whatever reason, or died, maybe I could see someone getting paranoid a war might break out.

But come on seriously? Anduin is the leader of the alliance, the kid would not just randomly start a war.

I can see her being in kahoots with Azshara for a mild mutual benefit, but not directly aligned to N’Zoth. Void Lords want her dead, and an ‘Unseen Presence’ in Nazjatar (Most likely N’Zoth) whispers you to kill her too.

Sylvanas is clearly no ally to the Void - Or the Light. But an Ally to the spectres of Death. To which I believe Blizzard is laying the foreground for, and something arather to what the Val’Kyr made the deal with Sylvanas to which she extended to Helya in case Helya’s plans don’t go to plan (Which obviously they didn’t).

I’m hoping they disrupt the Balance and open up a fissure - a doorway of sorts - in a deeper layer of the Shadowlands, and it allows some very old intriguing friends, enemies and otherwise to step through coming back. Would open up SO many venues for Blizzard too.


Nobody cares, maybe Garrosh wouldn’t have been racist if the other races hadn’t sabotaged him at every turn, because they have no real understanding of the political structures of the faction they’re in.

This is just completely inaccurate. Garrosh attacked Theramore, Theramore was at war with him. They were funneling Alliance troops, resources and siege engines into the Barrens to force a second front on the Horde.

Baine blatantly betrayed his Warchief, and his faction. Baine’s actions placed more of his own people in harm’s way for the sake of letting an enemy keep a strategic point. One, mind you, that said enemy was using, in part, to strike out against Baine’s people.

A.) Yes they were
B.) Why, then, was Theramore providing a staging ground and military access to Stormwind?

Cool, so after he came to the realization that this war had to be won, why wouldn’t he simply strike down Anduin to protect his own people, and challenge Sylvanas to mak’gora. You know, an institutionalized way to challenge a Warchief with whom you disagree.


Because Sylvanas isn’t an orc, and has no reason to honor a Mak’gora.

You realize the only reason the Mak’gora worked for Cairne is because Garrosh, an orc, was honor bound to deal with it right?

Sylvanas is an undead elf, who has no honor, spits on the very concept of honor, and does whatever she wants whenever she wants, no matter the consequences to the people around her.