How can we remedy this, together?

Suuuure… cause the devs in BfA haven´t tried to justify the actions of those iron dwarves and velves with literal bulks of excuses. Geck, the issue is so real we had one of the potential candidates for warmongering in Alliance (A.K.A. Greymane) literally being retconned from his WC2 persona into this "totes tolerant of zombies and their rights cause those poor peoples!!.. when he was THE one that made a wall and laughed behind it while them Lordaeronians got zombified in the first place…)

No, your scenario is just the ultimate humid dream for the current ubber lazy devs, that would literally leave the Horde in the perma vassal state so they can focus in only writting for one small pouch of Alliance / Alliance flavored heroes from now onwards in neutrals expacs, and only use those Horde NPCs to fulfill literal terrorist shoes when theyt get bored and decide to yet again try their hand at another MoP 3.0…