How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Blight is a terrible thing to behold. I still have like 6 worgen toons, but I was missing my forsaken hardcore, so I faction changed Micah :gift_heart:


Not just the dreadlords (according to Wowpedia):

“Sire Denathrius is the creator and leader of the realm of Revendreth and its inhabitants, the Venthyr people, which he rules from Castle Nathria.”

He created an entire segment necessary for the functioning of the Shadowlands - as well as bringing to life the forces within and the forces that are scattered throughout all the realms sowing discord - and we beat him up and stuffed him in a sword.

I guess after killing a raid boss we eat their heart and gain their power? And it’s a stacking buff?


well, the stacking buff depends on how many hearts you can cannibalize before the buff runs out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :gift_heart:


Welcome to the Horde Micah!


Thanks! I honestly missed it a lot. :gift_heart:


I don’t agree with this argument.

Blizzard happily did Teldrassil and made it as gut wrentching as they could.
They didn’t even allow players to have any closure either, we are in an entire new expansion and its still unresolved.

I don’t think anyone was calling for the dismantling of the alliance despite how bleak things were and to degree still are.

You may disagree with my idea but its been done before and the world… Azeroth is still spinning.


Let’s not forget - the Jailer is responsible for the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne which empowered the Lich King to toy with us until deciding we would be his perfect servants and then one shot everyone.

That’s our big bad guy. The guy who made and controlled someone who literally one shot all of us. And the Jailer? He was supposedly only stoppable with the power of all the other Eternal Ones (of which Denathrius was one).

There are world trash mobs here that are literally, not figuratively, literally world destroyers. What the heck are we doing here?

Seriously if there was some level of player agency and some level of non-ridiculousness my character would have likely told the folks in Oribos that it was nice meeting them. I can probably help with some chores they need done - maybe find some way to rescue some of the Azerothian denizens - but they probably need to call someone else to fix this problem.

Do you have any strange artifacts from the First Ones that say “Push here in case of emergency?” Because that might help. Otherwise, unless you have a renegade dragon to slay, I probably should head home. I hear Hogger has been having a field day.

Plus I have to regrow a mammoth tree, rebuild my faction from the ground up, repair the devastation wrought by a faction war plus a fake Old God and a real Old God, and then stand trial for war crimes.

Actually, maybe I’ll just stay a while and do chores until the end of the universe.


As much as I don’t like that certain Horde posters who appeared to have no issue with dismantling the Night Elves will turn around and claim that the same can’t be done to them because they pay fifteen dollars a month (as if we don’t) - I disagree that we should attempt to justify dismantling the Horde using Teldrassil as a basis for it. Teldrassil was a stark demonstration of why this kind of thing is such a bad idea. As has been discussed previously, it demolished the Night Elf RP guilds, it created mass discontentment on both sides, and it actively drove people from the game.

This is why I’m adamant in saying that what was done to the fanbase that I’m a part of shouldn’t simply be done as well to any other fanbase. This decision was toxic for an MMO. Let’s not repeat the mistake.

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Burning teldrassil wasn’t the toxic part, it was not dealing with it properly during BfA, instead blizz was swift to move on to Azshara and N’zoth instead. That’s the issue people have.


No, I’m afraid that’s not accurate.

If they didn’t burn Teldrassil, there would have been nothing to make up for - no humiliation that needs so badly to be undone, no destroyed investment that needs to be rebuilt - and even if you do all of those things, even if you did them, you still would not have completely healed the damage that was caused.

Wrecking people’s investment in a game format that’s all about identity in the way that Teldrassil did is a mistake. It shouldn’t be defended, and it absolutely shouldn’t be repeated.


No one has defended what happened to teldrassil. Most people agree it’s something that never should’ve happened. At this point though, nothing blizz does is ever going to satisfy NE fans.


There you have it folks! Blight is the cure to the worgen curse…

I mean, you don’t get to not try, and instead do everything possible to annoy that fanbase, and then tell said fanbase that things aren’t that bad, are reacting over nothing, and shouldn’t get anything as compensation and then wonder why “Night Elf fans can never be satisfied”, but, we are drifting from my point somewhat.

My point was - and this is directed again at certain Alliance players - dismantling the Horde on the basis that it was done to the Night Elves is a bad move, and Teldrassil shows us why.

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Who knew right?! I still do have worgen toons and the between forsaken and them, they’re still my one of my fav races in game :gift_heart:

I don’t think very many Alliance players are calling for the Horde to be dismantled. A vast majority of Horde players seem to think the Alliance even being able to seek revenge means that they’re trying to do that though.

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I certainly have seen that, and I think that Horde players generally jump on that straw man because it’s easy to rip apart. But in this case we had a live example of the argument, which I replied to earlier. Are instances of that argument being presented rare? Absolutely, but they do still exist, and they come from more than one person.

Well, it is ironic and kind of funny that the people making that claim are mostly all low level NEFPAs. It’s sort of a running joke now

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It doesn’t strike me as anything other then whining though. If you can’t handle someone wanting to ‘dismantle’ your faction, by seeing closure from their actions, or even acknowledge it, then there should have been something already happen in game. If you can’t handle someone else expecting enjoyment from the game, it seems pointless to be worried about it at all.

I don’t really agree, speaking as someone whose playable race’s nation was functionally dismantled. It sucks to watch your investment get flushed down the toilet and discarded like that - and I really don’t think we should be putting players in the position of other players expecting enjoyment from their misery.


Well, that’s kind of ironic due to the fact you can choose to side with the lore character who did the dismantling in game. So it seems a lot less controversial to be making this statement outside the world. If there’s no reason to expect something, I shouldn’t be worried about it, but why would someone be maimed at the notion at the same time, when you can do that in game?