How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I guess I ought to reply to this - apologies for doing so as quickly as I am about to do, however.

Bullet 1: Agree
Bullet 2: That should be up to Orc/Troll players. I disagree that logistical issues would force this change, however.
Bullet 3: I’m going to pull this back. A mass rez cheapens death, and if we are to do anything with Teldrassil, the fact that we’ve taken a lot of its material away opens the door to a much more “vertical” and interesting zone. Agree on dispensing of the Night Warrior however - put that faux edgy chapter behind us. RE: Sylvanas - I think that has to be up to Forsaken players. It’s actually not that big of a consideration for me.
Bullet 4: Agree - though human fans need to approve.
Bullet 5: Agree
Bullet 6: Pending Forsaken approval - need to gather their thoughts.
Bullet 7: I don’t think anyone would disagree.
Bullet 8: Again, pending Forsaken approval - I think that would be pretty cool tough.
Bullet 9: Agree pending prior approvals.
Bullet 10: Agree on Gilneas - need to ask Worgen fans about Genn
Bullet 11: Disagree - I’d have no issue with showing the Alliance as getting into some intolerant territory - but there needs to be something more simmering and long term, and something better constructed. I have no idea for example why Turalyon suddenly is okay with going after Night Elves and Void Elves, especially given who leads the latter. I don’t understand where Yrel is coming from here - and the prime naaru idea is just a gratuitous slap in my face. Leave Elune alone - stop proposing content for her, stop demanding clarifications - no Elune content. Stop it.
Bullet 11: Disagree on adding new factions - that involves way more work than you think it does.

Totally understandable, still you’ll do a fine zandalari if one day you get interest, we share the same disgust on elfies :muscle:

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Just want to weigh in on this point. It’ll never happen for one simple reason. Blizzard has invested too much time and resources into making it the Horde capital. All the portals are there, all sorts of vendors are there, zeppelins, etc.

So, while it does make sense from a lore/story perspective, from a game play perspective, it just will not happen.


Honestly contemplating race changing back into my forsaken hunter. I do miss horde side a lot.(It’s ironically what got me interested in WoW to begin with :smiley:)


Trolls are the reason to always play Horde and we have lots of elfie to eat daily :+1: :hamburger:

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Taste better when you blight them first and set a few giant magical trees on fire :gift_heart: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


That’s odd, I thought being forced to do that was literally the worst thing ever and that Blizzard’s decision to make you the bad guy was leaps and bounds worse than actually having it happen to something you were invested in? I thought that for this reason I and other Night Elf fans were just on planet bliss and didn’t know it while you are agonizingly burning in a hell of Blizzard’s creation?

What happened? Did I miss a meeting or something?

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You really need to get over yourself and learn when people are joking


And also how to read.


I’m perfectly aware that you were joking. But jokes to an extent do also tell me just a little more about you - what things you find funny and what positions you hold. I make this observation not to dig at you personally, but as part of a larger observation that a fair number of Horde players did engage in similar bouts of this as a way of trash talking - which does partially dispute the characterization that I sometimes get from people as they try to convince me that being the perpetrator of the WoT was so much worse than being the victim that I have nothing to complain about and should stop having an issue with it.

This is a whole lot of words just to say, “I take everything seriously.”

Listen, we all know blight tastes like lime jello and magical wisps are really just cotton candy waiting to be snarfed on.

Heck, I’ve even compared soul fragments to glowing purple taffy :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll tell you, what I have told sooooo many alliance players. You don’t know anything about me and you never will. So please, don’t waste your time and think you know anything about me.

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Lime jello that’s been sitting in the sun way too long and is now more water than jello :gift_heart:

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What’s the difference between soul fragments and soul shards?

This sounds like the set up for a joke but I actually do not know.

Soul shards are like nerds.

Much more crunchy :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t seem to find it in the massive thread, but if it’s the one I think it is, it doesn’t do it for me. But I really don’t have the energy to go into detail right now about why.

That gave me a chuckle. I can picture a forsaken warlock sitting there going Why is this soul crunchier than the others?! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


What the hell. Why did no one tell me this? I used to have a soul shard bag.

I was walking around with a bag full of nerds?! Ugh. I would’ve gladly shared. I would’ve had a lot more friends too.


I mean, I always find myself comparing Healthstones to free Hallow’s End candy, so…


They do kind of resemble candy bars now that I think about it.