How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I didn’t quite understand the first three words. What exactly is “of course not”? Can’t you win big, or can’t you enjoy small wins?

You mean the same Kaldorei scouting camps that Blizzard completely forgot about when Malfurion lectured Lorash for attacking him because “my people have never attacked Quel’Thalas”? Seriously, Robert Brooks literally forgot those quests happened, and no one else at Blizzard noticed the inaccuracy until after the final manuscript had been locked.


The Horde is shamed for our big wins, and don’t get small wins in general. So not sure what you’re getting at. We were told repeatedly for the last few years we are horrible people for Teld (the only victory we had in all of BfA), and we weren’t even allowed to play a part in the downfall of the Legion proceeding that.

But the Cleft of Shadows was used for the first what, 18 years of WoW because of the fact only the Shadowmoon Clan used Arcane/Shadow magic of the Orcs; continuation yes but it’s more Warsong-Frostwolf-Blackrock-etc rather than Shadowmoon and “Shamanistic”.


Not so long ago (literally six months or so ago) discussed this here? Formally, the NElves did not attack, but spied. The argument seemed to be that they were NE Fandrell.

I mean, but “Shamanistic” isn’t really “Arcane Portal” associated is it? Hell, the Shadowmoon are more “Shadow Priest” associated a lot too, and that doesn’t quite fit the bill. There is a reason that the Horde relied more on zeppelins than they did on portals until very recently. Honestly, the primiere arcane and portal experts on the Horde are the Horde elves. So the idea that the Horde would commission an official portal room with more traditional Orcish aesthetics is not surprising.

You want a High Traffic Portal room? You go NB and BE.

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Yeah but you can still keep internal race-themes by having it be Shaman for the more Shamany races, eg Kul Tiran Tidesages maintain their portals.


It seems that I was trying to make sure that you did not interfere with our small victories. In a clarifying message, I tried to find out exactly what you are forbidding the Alliance: small victories (to which the Horde does not react) or large victories (in which the Horde will be hurt at the hands of the Alliance).

Honestly. I’d rather Shamans start doing things like trying to fix the awful environmental conditions in Durotar and the Barrens. I feel like “Terraforming” should be in their wheelhouse, alongside Druids. Have them create a Throne of the Elements in the region to help with the process. Especially now that we have the NBs, let the Horde Elves oversee the portals.

Nothing, but when you have a situation where these “Alliance small victories” are completely invalidated, it creates a situation where the Horde isn’t allowed motive or justifications at all for an event like … the WoT. Leading up to that conflict, there was no aggressive acts from the Horde and SEVERAL from the Alliance. But since the Alliance events were not allowed to count, the Horde is ultimately the one who “started the War”.

This is the same damned thing as the Garrosh Period. Where Varian literally declares war on the Horde in WotLK, but Garrosh started it in Cata. Because of a conveniently created peace-treaty in between expansions that invalidated Varian’s original actions long enough to make the Horde the aggressors. Its Blizz being super noncommital with Alliance antagonistic actions, and then in the end forcibly twisting things to make sure the Horde reacting to them is not justified.


That’s a fine argument as far as I’m concerned, but the person I was replying to was claiming that the Kaldorei presence in the Ghostlands was there to make sure that the Sin’dorei joined the Horde. My point is that Blizzard considers that act of aggression (because setting up a hidden spy camp in Quel’Thalas is an act of aggression, even if it’s not an outright attack) so insignificant that they forgot it happened when they wanted Malfurion to be self-righteous towards Lorash.


Okay, then now in general, and again. It’s not about how Silithus ended, it had no real effect anyway, on anyone. Neither the Alliance nor the Horde made any reference to it, both ignored Silithu’s events for the most part.

And as far as that goes, and the intention, it’s very comparable to the Ne’s in the Ghostlands. A plot that led nowhere, had no real impact and served only a framing, nothing else.

I’ve been trying to point this out for months and will likely keep doing so until people actually start to get it.

what do you mean? I don´t get it, what do you point out?

Sorry, typing on phone.

Blizzard doesn’t really care about the Alliance as a faction which is why they always write for them around the active Horde.

Blizzard may care about individuals, such as Anduin and the night elves, but as a whole, they don’t really care.

And before anyone says anything, Blizzard liking you doesn’t mean you get awesome stories. They love writing this Horde but look how that goes. They love writing about night elves, look how many stories we get about how awesome their society used and how much it changed.

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Fine, then I’ll say it again. You want an “Alliance expansion” with “heavy focus on Alliance issues” then like with the Horde in MoP and BfA … that focus will destroy you in every concievable way.

You must be told from the offset you are the villains, and be shamed for it constantly. You must be forced to follow an evil leader so long as it is convenient for their story. You must accept the deaths and betrayal of multiple of your most prominent characters. You must expect to spend half the expansion killing members of your own Faction. You must be OK with being saved by your enemies. And in the end, you must suffer the consequences of the damage those Alliance Expansions have on both your Faction Identity and Racial Fantasies. With little or no real chance that Blizz will put in the work to fix them.

You use those two “Horde Expansions” against the Horde players and Faction, then you are by proxy admitting you want the treatment we got within both MoP and BfA. And that’s fine if that is what you are admitting. But if your expectation is “we want the attention we feel the Horde just got, but not the type of attention they got” … then my my, how entitled are you?


And you only exist in this weird bubble where the price of having a story must be getting kicked in the teeth.

Which is dumb.

It’s what Blizzard conditioned you into and I find that quite sad, but it’s still very very dumb.

I want a story focused on the Alliance that is uplifting and good. I also want a story focused on the Horde to be uplifting and good.

And until we are all on the same page on this, we end up like you; constantly whining about how much Blizzard hates your preferred faction, BUT instead of trying to get that changed, instead you just want the other faction to feel just as crappy to make it even.

Which is dumb.

I’d love for Blizzard to write a story about the whole Alliance, like I know they can as they’ve done multiple times with the Horde. But I also want that story to be a good story to make the faction feel heroic, like they want to do with WoW.

And I also want Blizzard to get off this “suffering is metal!” BS and write the Horde to feel like the heroic faction is supposed to be, so people playing the Horde can feel heroic, like they friggin want to do with WoW.


I do too. I am just sick and tired of seeing MoP and BfA used against us by Alliance fans who are jealous of the attention we’re getting, but know full well that they don’t want the type of attention we just got. That left the entire faction struggling to even justify its existence, with no way back to ever being portrayed as heroes. Stop using those expansions against the Horde! No matter how “Horde Expansion” they may happen to be. Because you do not want those types of expansions under any circumstance!


I agree; having such a bubble is dumb.

I mean, this is you admitting that Blizzard is the reason we have such a bubble to begin with.

We got this with Battle for Azeroth, which came at the Horde’s expense.

Don’t we all at this point?

I mean, if you honestly didn’t get this impression from playing through Battle for Azeroth, I’m not sure you were paying attention.

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Most players, at least the worgen and Kaldorei fans, just want their favorite races to grow a actual spine and be shown to be the viscous, but noble race that was promised. And for blizzard to stop justifying every morally grey act the alliance does commit.

The alliance does have a lot of dark history, the problem is when you look at how the horde is written, those actions don’t look so bad and comes off as being completely justified, which is the problem