She would look at this very same problem being used back in WC3 to seed the catastrophes that destroyed them and the world back then.
To put it simple the depiction of the Alliance in WC3 was basically about them being so high on their own self righteous farts they never realized they were the perfect seed for terrible individuals rising to power (Kel´Thuzad) and the very destruction of their political body.
In regards to Garithos as a character? Yes. In regards to the faction? No. I´d say the actual “fatal flaw” of the Alliance in WC3 was a combination of self-righteousness and overconfidence (basically their pride got so out of control it ended up bitting them in their behinds in several fronts -Arthas, Kel´thuzad, the Scarlet Crusade, Garithos, Blackmoore… the Alliance from WC3 is so sure they´re “in the right” they don´t even bother with questioning the questionable actions of their political, military and/or religious leaders… chillingly enough, VERY similar to Stormheim esque narratives. Thew only difference is that in Stormheim the Alliance was retroactively protected to avoid the consequences of their flaws; and this has been a common trend since Vanilla-).
I disagree, this “approach” to the game varies with each player. Why do you think I never could relate emotionally and intelectually with the Alliance in the “Age” of LoTR becoming pop culture? Simple, because for me it was miles more relatable and entertaining to see different people with different cultural backgrounds and a mountain of flaws fighting and working together to collectivelly suceed and survive -THAT was what the Horde was about in WC3-. I´m a Horde First, Belf second player.
Also, chill out, cause I think you got my point wrong.
Not necessarily; this became a “trend” after TBC.
Nope, I jst disagree with the notion that “Bigotry” was the fatal flaw of the Alliance (it was the fatal flaw of Garithos but not of the Alliance per se, their fatal flaw was prideful self-righteousness imho because that was what made possible Garithos excesses -the lack of policing on his amoral actions by the rest of the Alliance as a political and military entity-).
Ergo, why I said NB didn´t felt for me the same as the Belves did, cause while their stories are ridiculously similar, the NB didn´t had to deal with the faction itself failing them and making possible the “racial harrasement” they got by a leader in charge in the first place. Tyrande WAS related to them by race, but NOT by politics. The Alliance didn´t “fail” the NB simply because NB weren´t even Alliance in the first place, period.
I always saw the NB rolling Horde less of a “QQQ ugly Turande insulting us!!” and more as “OK, Tyrande STILL doesn´t like us and her allies seem to be ok with her -weird, they agree to asfixiating levels- and these other guys helped us more in the actual scheme of things so… let´s try with them?”.
Same here… my least favorite are Regular Tauren and Huojin Pandaren and that thanks to them being so ridiculusly underdeveloped I feel they lack actual flaws and growth and exposition -they seem too “bland” in comparison to the other Horde races-.