How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

You do realize that playing a troll in-game doesn’t require you to be one on the forums, right?



Should I call you princess, or ask that someone change your diaper? Either way, you’re only contributing to my point in this post, or the one you’re upset about.

What’s a Horde Stan?

I mean, I don’t really think it’s fair to chastise Horde players for being upset over the story direction, especially considering that they were lied to about what they were selecting, repeatedly.

No, I don’t like it when certain of them decide to take this frustration out on Alliance players or concerns, but that aside, I can’t sign on to this idea that they just need to shut up and go away regarding their dissatisfaction with the story.


People who actually believe the Alliance, and writers are out to get them, on a personal level.

I never thought there was such actual hostilities/vitriole until I played Horde characters for BfA. Even in this thread it’s all over the map. If you honestly think stuff like there’s Alliance bias in the story, or that the Alliance is given more in this game, ergo points in BGs. Nah. You should pack it up.

I don’t have to make claims of that sort, and I certainly don’t have to agree with them to acknowledge that Horde players certainly have standing to take issue with how the story has depicted their faction. I don’t think it’s reasonable at all to tell them that they should just suck it up when the writers established them in this fashion - and not just because I regard that assignment in this franchise as being generally bad for the game.

Cheesy as it sounds saying it, the Horde players aren’t the only people playing this game, and honestly you should appreciate Warcraft, and not the snowflake story you’re ‘needing’ the story to be like. Even if there’s a ton of stuff I don’t like about the story, I can find my enjoyment, and when the day comes I’m externalizing such an amount of dissatisfaction, and pinching myself so that more comes out in frustration. I’ll cut it off.

Before I was of the mind to agree with you, but the air of things here atleast is the total opposite. It’s not bad for the game when the writers characterize things correctly. You have to appreciate what you have more then, the fool you get to look like saying you have nothing, and hanging around.

So, it’s not ok for me to be upset with how they handled Rastakhan? Bwonsamdi’s BS stuff with Mueh’zala? :roll_eyes:


I am aware that they’re not the only ones playing this game. I’ve been trying to remind them of that for some time. But we’re not the only ones playing this game either. We comprise different sets of stakeholders in this product that reserve the right to register their dissatisfaction with it. That’s being done here, in the appropriate venue for that.

The decisions that the writers have taken I argue are bad for the product. They interfere with and undermine the objectives of the game that they are tied to - a game whose genre trades on player identity, and choice in that identity. It’s done that by effecting a bait-and-switch, and with the knowledge that autonomy, or the ability to choose one’s actions, and relatedness, the ability of one’s choices to matter in the way the player wants them to are two of the three core psychological reasons for why we play video games in the first place, the product defect (with respect to the Horde in this case) becomes clear.

… and again, there is nothing wrong with communicating that defect. The writers at the end of the day work for us, we are not required to accept their work product uncritically.


Kya, they’re a Troll. And I don’t mean their avatar. Or they genuinely do hate the Horde playerbase, and gets particularly vitriolic whenever one of their calls to further Villainize the Faction isn’t received positively from Horde players. Which is why there is a certain irony of them coming into this thread (that generally had gotten to the point of debating if its simply possible to support the Faction Conflict AND Rebuild the Horde in tandem) … and will complain about the toxicity of the Horde players. How they don’t have a right to get upset over the Faction being villain batted, because they have been very clear that they believe that to be the “Correct Characterization”.


Isn’t that like me wanting to have quests where I talk to Arthas, as the Lich King, who is fighting for the Alliance? You get Talanji. Idk what BS with Mueh’zala you even mean. Bwon is no less cool.

You get to make a choice to side with a rebel, or loyalist group with the Horde. If you’re not happy with either outcome, or need to see something expanded with the villainous side? I mean come on. If you’re siding with Saurfang there’s no reason you can’t have a good time with the story afterwards. The gatekeeping is only becoming more and more severe, and at that point you’re not playing the game the rest of us are, and shouldn’t be bothered that you don’t have a grasp on the story.

You look like a complete fool, and above everyone else should give it up. Do go on about how I’m trolling though, I’m flattered you’re able to deal with the pain my posts inflict somehow, in some capacity.

I’ve found myself exasperated when reasonable red-backgrounded posters have failed to call out the worst of the worst on their side. Given that, who am I to feel that way, but then do nothing when I see similar behavior coming from mine?

@ Vuldezi

The choices you’re describing do not account for the damage that was done to the overall identities that we’re talking about. The story was too big for that, and in many cases it really didn’t give you that choice. It came with implications about what it meant to be an Orc or to be a Forsaken - implications that the playerbase didn’t ask for and implications that weren’t included in the bill of goods that many players were sold.

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Personally I just put as many as possible on ‘Ignore’.


I understand the story lacked more clarity, I wouldn’t use the word rushed, but it wasn’t as fleshed oh in the right places I would have wished. But, one will always be better then nothing. Taking a single step away from the choice you don’t like is still better not being given one.

I don’t want a review of the implications, but a literal lack of willingness to see any implication given as insufficient, other then one that lets you feel ‘meta-righteous’ about hate is creepy.

I do want to clarify that I’m not supporting anyone’s right to hate anyone, and again, if your concern was limited to the tendency of some Horde posters to take out their frustrations on Alliance posters and issues, then I would agree with you. What drew me out was this implication that Horde players were unreasonable for complaining about their story at all.

Having an evil faction works great in SWTOR because the Imperial faction was marketed as that from the start. Changing the Horde now isn’t really an option for a lot of reasons, but I feel it is best illustrated as such:

I am a roleplayer first and foremost. I give my characters backstories and personalities and like to play to fit those stories I invented for them.

My characters include:

  1. A kindly elderly tauren druid who loves tea and has dedicated his retirement years to the healing arts because he’s lived through so much violence and hardship that he wants nothing to do with war anymore.
  2. A young troll druid who grew up in the nightmare that is Zalazane’s domination of the Echo Isles and wants to dedicate his life to preserving nature and writing books above the mysteries of the natural world for future generations.

if the Horde went full evil both of these characters would be ruined. I’d have to retire them and make my troll hunter my main or make all-new characters to play instead. This would suck tremendously for me as I am far more invested in my own characters than I am in the actual story right now.

On the other hand if the Horde had started off the evil faction I would’ve made entirely different characters to support that fantasy. Alas, they did not. And I’d rather not try to play a good natured hero stuck in an evil empire of evil where the narrative insists my good guy is actually an evil guy and forces me to play out evil acts.


That’s the point I’m making. If I’m lumped into, who knows what, because I prefer to play an Alliance character. It’s wrong. It’s just as wrong for me to lump all the people who play Horde together with the likes of these dingbats.

I may have worded it that they’re beyond their right to complain, but it’s just in response. It’s never anything about what is going on in the story right now, in appreciation though. If you’re so far gone from what you’re expecting to get from what’s ‘billed’ to you. I’m just saying maybe you should calm down, and review the story as something you might like, instead of pinching yourself as hard and often as you can, to make more…come out.