How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

I don’t know, it always seems a bit like jealousy to me. Because the Alliance has Elune…the Horde must also have the same only in different! Because…the exact same MUST be! yeah, no…not really. It may just be my opinion on it, but I find always giving the same to each side just makes it boring.

The horde need their own mysterious, not a elune 2.0

I actually agree. The Horde comprises the only cultures that tangibly revere the Sun. This is more of a tangible thing for the Tauren, but it would be neat to see it expanded more for the BEs. In that the Sun is the greatest source of Light for Azeroth, and further expansion of that for the Horde elves could differentiate them a bit more from the Alliance Pali and Priest branches. Plus, we know next to nothing about the Sun as a celestial body. Outside of that. I think that if we truly are going to attempt to “redeem” the Horde in its current state, we REALLY need to get it back to basics.

And that means building a foundation and pillars…

Thematically, despite how flawed he was, Saurfang’s death does conceptually work better as a foundation for the Horde to move on from than either Doomhammer or Grom. Since Saurfang’s dying wish was NOT to try to redeem himself from past mistakes (he admitted he never could), but like a deeply flawed father he merely wanted his “kids” to have an opportunity to the honor he truly felt he and his generation were not worthy of by the end. Both Grom and Doomhammer died attempting to atone for their crimes, Varok died simply wanting a better life then he led for the Horde. Its subtle, but its a far more powerful “foundation” to build off of than the prior two. Its very paternal, and very primal.

From here, we need Pillars. And Thrall, Vol’jin, and Baine seem like the most likely subjects. These three need to be built into the leaders their people need them to be by the time the return from the Land of the dead, so they can serve as infrastructure to build the rest of the cast off of. Calia can get some growth on this too, but I am strongly of the mind that if she is to be A leader of the Forsaken she needs to: Have a reason for a healthy distance from the Alliance; and have a counterbalance like Voss appropriately built up as her Equal. To provide two leaders that service the entire spectrum of the Forsaken/Citizen of Lordaeron identity and care for their futures. Allowing long overdue Horde integration.

IF we can get this … we might have a chance of building us up again when we head back. But we gotta have these structural roots created to build off of.


Literally it’s so easy:

  1. Blood Elf Belore: has never been explained, is tied to the Sunwell, is gestured at in various voice over lines, the Blood Elf Priests in the Class Order Hall are “Sun Priests” etc. Just need Liadrin and Rommath getting “visions” from the Sunwell, reveal A’lar is a blessing from Belore
  2. Tauren An’she: has literally divinely intervened in both the Highmountain Mythos in the fields of An’she, is tied to Tauren Shamanism (the one who taught them to Spirit Walk), is considered the brother of Elune/Musha, is the source of Tauren Paladin Sun-based Light.
  3. Trolls: Sun motifs all over Dazaralor and Ataldazar, Rezan’s Loa of a Tale tablet states he has “the power of the sun”, the “hand of valor” that nobody knows what it is that pulled Vol’jin out of the Maw and empowered him hasn’t been explained yet.
  4. Orcs: While the Shadowmoon Clan is also probably going to be revealed to be Elune, they could tie Orcish Shamanism with regards to the elements to such a being.

Just have An’she Belore be a thing and that’s it, we’re good to go.

If one faction has a MOON BASED GODDESS and this game is based upon two opposing equal factions, the literal only motif possible is a SOLAR BASED GOD lmao


No, it isn’t. Instead of another stellar deity, why not a deity that embodies something completely different from stellar things? A deity of free will, of hope, I don’t know, things like that? a carboncopy of elune would be boring…and this being would forever be framed as that…only a carboncopy.

What is the sun.



re: Calia, my take from long ago:

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Admittedly I don’t think I’d ever have any personal attachment to An’she as a concept but no, that seems pretty crappy to give reverence of one of two major celestial bodies to one race (to which its associated faction can associate with through shared content) but deny the use of the other because “it’s just a carboncopy.”

An’she’s something that was brought up in concept as early in vanilla WoW; it was just sadly never expanded on. Even if it’s way later than it deserved, I think it makes more sense to start diving into that instead of slushing together some never-before-associated deity just for Blizzard to point to the horde and shout “Identify with it!”


Who says its a Carbon Copy though? Baal is right. Solar imagery and Sun reverence is all over various Horde cultural practices. The Tauren, BEs, Trolls, and even Orcs and Vulpera could be tied into it fairly easily. There is nothing saying that it as a being needs to operate in the same way Elune does; just that it is a stellar symbol for that sort of “worship” (even if not outright religious worship). There is also no saying what such an entity would be like in tone, function, or temperament.


For sake of argument, what would be different between Elune and An’she then? Aside from comsic make up?

A different temperament? Maybe An’she is actually around? Something like that?

I can understand the reasoning behind a Sun Elune, but I also understand why someone would desire to not have it just be well…Sun Elune.

This might seem like a cop-out answer due to my own ignorance of the subject, and I’m not a writer so that’s twice the helping of worthlessness on my part, but:

I wouldn’t try to design the concept of An’she around being the temperamental opposite of Elune at all. I’d try to look into what Native American, Mayan, and Persian (Blood elves, right?) mythology and history had to say on the subject, and maybe try to conglomerate common themes from them. If part of those aspects share a relation to Elune, then so be it. Because I think going into it with the objective of making it an anti-Elune just dooms it to be defined by the night elf religion anyway.


Different methods of communication. Different method of interacting with those that show it reverence. Different proficiencies in power and domain. A different temperament, and even perhaps children of their own that embody such a being. Hell, make the thing lively, passionate, sometimes destructively so. The Sun is life, it can also kill you. Make it a bit rough around the edges.


I like how Droite and I gave completely opposite responses, lol


That’s the point: ELune is the deity that stands not only for the moon, but for stars, for stellar objects, so also suns, presumably the power where Naaru come from.

My only problem with this is, exactly what Droite describes would be an anti-elune. It would be exactly the same as Elune, only with different names.

Why would you need other names at all, if it does exactly the same thing.

THank you, thats my entire point, we need another being, not an elune 2.0 with sun as symbol, even ELUNE granted sunpowers, and most likely created beings of lights anyway…

An’She/Belore…it must be a different kind of being, it must be different.

Well, sort of. I was more of the mind that any celestial being that gets even loosely associated with the Horde needs to share our temperament a bit. The Horde is rough, temperamental, passionate (destructively so), and despite everything … still somehow cling to life. Even those of us that are dead. So … go from there. Rather than building such a being as an opposite of Elune, just build one that has the ability to reflect those that revere it. If there is some overlap? So what?

It would also be totally worthless, because you’re pulling something out of the universe’s butt while simultaneously further implying that the tauren (and whatever sun worship the blood elves had) is a lie, diminishing their importance because Elune has her fingers in too many damn pies. At least An’she has a theoretical presence in the story. Anything you try to create would not, simply because you had to create it in the first place.


Well going off:

and also taking into consideration Elune in-game is a real-world derivative of New Age Goddess Worship, and borrows particularly from Lunar goddesses in European myths (different faces, related to stars, psychopomp, etc all very Hekate adjacent).

Have An’she be based on Solar Deities found in myths of African and Amerindigenous peoples, with only SLIGHT borrowing from Euro-Pagan stuff.

Make him related to Wild Gods, but only the extreme ends (e.g. Rukhmar and Anzu from Draenor) due to the Sun’s Light being everywhere but also casting Shadows all day.

Have An’she be derived from:

  • Ogun and Shango, have him be a warrior deity who was the one that blessed Orcs with bloodlust in moments of need
  • Obatala, have him be a creator deity who was the one responsible for the existence of the elements themselves in reality
  • Illapa (who was syncretized in the Andes with Shango side note), have him be a deity that takes away powers should the person dishonor themselves (explaining why Paladins need faith and self-belief, why Thrall lost his shaman powers)
  • Inti, have him be a deity that blesses his people with long life and purifies corruptions (ergo why Rezan could bless Rastakhan with long life, ergo why Blood Elves have lost their fel corruption shown in their eyes)
  • etc

Naaru are powered by the sun and stars? You’re literally pulling that out your behind

Fine, propose a motif, a specific motif like “the sun” that you think would make narrative sense and serve as a parallel.

God you’re insufferable

He literally does not understand the idea of validating in-game religions of the meta-representations of Amerindigenous and African peoples lmao


Belore has even been known since WC3, but I think it wouldn’t go down well if once again an elven race more or less knew the “real name”, especially something that plays an absolute subordinate role.

However, I have nothing against the name, my point is, it must be something other than an Elune 2.0. Build it as a counterpoint, to Elune, would in my eyes even destroy a lot, it would also partly destroy the Elune mythos with it, for what? That the Horde may have their Celestial-Beings? it must be able to stand on its own feet and not build on Elune. otherwise it will be again only a carboncopy.

And you don’t? You constantly want some divine power fantasy of a carbon copy character and don’t really get involved in any different possiblity.

And if one argues against you, always immediately comes the racism card, especially if it could concern cultural things that have overlaps with RL.

Well, one random idea would be something like…

Currently we have Ion talking about the devs listening to the feedback. We have rather not so popular BfA with the “wait and see” approach. At the same time, we have the most popular expansion, Shadowlands, where they apparently pay more attention to the feedback. [at least initially it is said to have the highest subscription number of this decade]

Maybe, just maybe, it is possible to make an argument, that listening to the feedback leads to more community engagement, user retention. And that it could be not just about the game mechanics.

However, delivering the message is hard and IMO possible through finding some influencers who could pass the feedback / questions further.

Which raises more questions about community, forming feedback, etc.

Overall, not too likely, but not quite 0% probability. Purely because there might be a correlation of the financial results and interaction with the community.

gl hf

KEK, Blizzard actually listening to player feedback about the lore. :rofl:

Good one. :rofl:

Zair is the worst type of hypocrite, if it detracts from the NE power fantasy he’ll oppose it under the BS excuse that he’s neutral which he’s been called out on several times now.