How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Having been to Catholic school I can tell you if watching your mouth isn’t a cardinal virtue, the priests and nuns sure felt otherwise.

And boy did Garry Throats really f that up. Here let me go insult this seething ghost lady and demon lord who I’ve just personally witnessed tear through the Scourge like tissue paper.

Prides a sin. And boy did he have it in spades, and boy did it ever come before the fall.


Prudence is a virtue, so alas, the nuns were right :pensive::joy:

Anywho I’m a simple guy

If you say Garithos or Daelin weren’t racist, you get blocked


Garithos was right.

Alot of characters are guilty of this yet we aren’t stringing them all up. If we did there wouldn’t be much of a Horde left. Yes Garithos was racist however killing the man doesn’t mean that his soul should be damned. I mean Garrosh and Grom were massively racist as well yet they getting a second chance, Alot of blood elves, trolls and orcs are as well does that mean they should be dammed to the Maw?

Funny how there is no discussion with some people who think they they are the Moral authority. Seems like some people just want an echo chamber. Be funny when that is all baal will have when he done ignoring people.

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Weren’t we talking about things that should be done to ‘fix’ the Horde?

Also I regret commenting on here


A Book of sorts is being complied. Full of, observations, screechings. A Compilation of Winge if you will.

Yup just scroll up were I give my personal definition/concept/context for what redemption entails. Sarm asks what definition the post is working under and I can only give my own.

I intentionally didn’t propose a definition for redemption because every religion and system of ethics has their own hermeneutic.

And I am but one catholic wow player.

Admittedly I should have realized what I was getting into when I asked a theologian to define redemption. I was expecting a one or two sentence response but instead I got a bunch of Tetris blocks dumped on me, lol.

I’m kinda left not knowing what to say after realizing I’m out of my depth on the topic, but thanks for answering it.


Nah don’t be like that to yourself.

You have a system. There are people in your life you have forgiven and others you have not. That are actions done by your country you defend, and there are actions done by your country you do not defend. Etc.

Nobody is ever out of their depth when it comes to redemption, or atonement, or “sin”. It’s ethics. Ethics belongs to everyone.


Lmao dude WHAT

The Venthyr have like a whole Sins of Pride rehabilitation division. He deserves Revendreth but frankly the guy was such a prick I think he probably already got tossed down the disposal.

It’s clear they’re losing their patience with Kael’Thas. And Gary was the guy who was getting on Kael’s nerves.


That was what I meant, That characters like Garithos should defiantly end up with the venthyr.

Daelin i’m not so sure about, he would probably be Maldraxxus. He’s certainly no worse than Vashj. Sadly the only crime he ended up being guilty of was being right about the orcs.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Btw we have talked before, you know I think both factions are beyond whatever cooperation they were at before BFA.
Honestly some of you people have been on these forums so long you think each side is a hive consciousness with all the same arguments.

But if you really do think I said the Horde should cowtow to the Alliance then please quote it so I can address it. Otherwise you are just lying my man.

Lol what hypocrisy? Most of my posts on this thread were addressing the fact that Baal thinks muslims, like myself, are similar to the Orcs in the first war and the fact that there is nothing wrong morally for Alliance characters to hate Horde characters and races on no other merit than being Horde given Horde history both recent and past.

You mean the race absolutely critical to war efforts that saved Azeroth like 12 times?

Oh but Garrosh was a prick. Genocide the whole race.

You are moving the goal post.
You think the Orcs joining other races for mutual benefit of fighting against a common enemy somehow justifies their history?

Cool name those 12 times.

Also keep in mind you cannot include any times where the Horde has actively Hindered or attacked the Alliance who were trying to stop the big bad.

Or comes down to one person like Thrall, Tirion ect.

Again it makes that it impossible but again that is the story as it is presented. Outside contribution of Thrall the Horde hasn’t really brought much to the table. They really need to make the Horde stand on their own 2 feet and actually do something the alliance can’t

I love how the other thread died because we left, and thus the Alliance just weren’t capable of thinking amongst themselves in a productive manner, and now they’re here trying to start beef while we were having a conversation on the nature of redemption and sin and the necessity of minor retcons with specific examples and proposals.

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This boys and girls is called identity politics. Perhaps identity posting?
We aren’t just normal people playing a game. Nope. There are Horde people and Alliance people.

I mean if I touch a horde character I simply burst into flames.

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I mean, the idea that you just get to dump on one side all day and not have them reply is kind of childish. Same with the idea that we can solve the issues of one of two factions without accepting the input of people from the other, but while still doing things to that other faction that matter to those peoples’ sense of investment.

I’m looking forward to seeing what Gantrithor has to put forward though. Maybe he’ll surprise me. I’ll do my best to not viciously misrepresent it in the way you did with my suggestion.


Please point out when in the past week I’ve done so in this thread.

I’ll wait.

Just gonna point out you’re not blocked Kyalin uwu

Rest of these guys are tho lmao

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When their aid was absolutely vital to defeating a common enemy who would eradicate or enslave all life on Azeroth?
