How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

And honestly, while I fundamentally do not understand the interest in winning funbux by day trading on the pretend stock market, if thats what you like to do that’s what you like to do.

The simplest solution would be to just give new players a WoW token. Explain you can cash it in for gold, or use it for free playtime.

And have the WoW-Wallstreeters make countless new accounts in order to no-risks print their own money in order to further chokehold and inflate each and every server economy?

Bad model.

Truly just makes more sense to set a gold cap, and literally redistribute the gold of all the playerbase above that cap to everyone, and after that give new players Free Gold.

They’d have to think about it more than I did, obviously. But I think it’s better than the alternative.

Honestly it was surreal to me. Because I left in Wrath. Somebody handed me 500 gold and I was like prostrate with thanks, because that to me was a huge chunk of cash. Only to later learn that’ll barely cover two full mog swaps.


It’s a video game, just do Full Communism.

New Idea- Every single Night Elf and Worgen that died during the War of Thorns/Burning of Teldrassil wasn’t really a Night Elf or Worgen. Every single one was actually a fanatic Horde agent in the direct service of Sylvanas, perfectly magically disguised and willing to die for her just to drive the Alliance to despair/fury at the thought of so many dying pointlessly. Sylvanas and Sylvanas alone knew this secret.

“Look, look!” shouted the dev team, arms flailing like a demented Muppet. “That totally puts the onus of the event purely on Sylvanas and clears the Horde!”

No it ####### does not. Even THIS Does Not Redeem the Horde.

Because they Still Willingly Went Through With it Regardless Even Though They Had Been Tricked.

And Continued!


And, aside from from a small handful who virtually joined the Alliance and stood at the gates of their own city ready, if somewhat unwilling, to do violence against their own people, they STAYED obedient to the Lich Queen up until she hurt their precious fee-fees.

The Horde as written has demonstrably shown that it honestly doesn’t care how much death and destruction is causes to everyone and everything else in the entire world.

IMO there are only three logical ways forward with the story as presented.

  1. The Alliance just destroys/dismantles the Horde, absorbing the least-evil parts of the faction (the Tauren, pandaren and elves), exterminating the Forsaken, kicking the orcs out to Outland, ignoring the goblins and vulpera, and possibly making some minor reparations to the Zandalari for their raid on the capital while showing them how badly the Horde has damaged the Alliance in the past as a way of explaining just WHY they were so intent on driving the Horde out of Zandalar in the first place. The Horde no longer exists, you can only play Alliance. Who are the only truly heroic faction left anyway, arguably since Cataclysm.

Blizzard will never do this, because the two-faction system has been integral to WoW’s story since the beginning and destroying it will likely drive away many many more customers than it brings in.

  1. Token half-assed promises that the Horde will ‘be good, for realzies this time’, along side some minor concessions like horde druids and shaman helping to undo damage to Darkshore and Ashenvale and fully retreating from those territories. Everything else just goes on forward like they always have and pretending that Teldrassil never outside of a night elf NPCs themselves. The Horde have virtually nothing of value to give up to the Alliance anyway beside empty promises; in fact much of their aggressive actions have been to acquire resource they lacked from Alliance and disputed territories.

This is what Blizzard will do/is doing. It’s the laziest option by far, and they would rather saw a new window into a wall to escape that everyone hates and says is ugly than admit that they painted themselves into a corner and get paint on the soles of their perfect pretty new shoes. Many players will complain, but I doubt many will actually quit over it. It’s where we are now.

  1. (Little Nicky voice) Release The Evil! The Horde just gives up on any pretense of even trying to be ‘good’ and embraces their selfish bloodlust upon the world all-out. Goody-two-shoes like Baine and Thrall are either killed or go into exile in despair. Warchief Adolf Dahmer the Ripper takes over the Horde. I guess Mathaga Grimtotem takes over the Tauren? Talanji goes full Jaina-at-her-worst, only against the Alliance instead of the Horde. horde questing is all about killing and taking things by force. They talk about how ‘honorable’ they are even more while committing even worse crimes just to drive home their hypocrisy.

Blizzard will probably never do this, though I think there’s a small group of devs who kinda want this while either not thinking or caring how fans of the WC3-early WoW Horde will react. Thus, how we got BFA in the first place. I think there’s a few Horde and Alliance players who would also be ok with this, but mostly I imagine there would be a massive player loss, primarily on the Horde side.


Seems like that’d needlessly take out an aspect of the game people enjoy. While I did loathe the obligation of it, I won’t pretend I didn’t get a dopamine hit from selling stuff for a profit on the AH.

And indeed I think I provide valuable patronage to the rare drop hunters of WoW. Because I’m not going to do it, but I will;

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Drop an asinine amount on this cool purple diadem that I am livid doesn’t appear on her forum avatar, as I’ve just noticed.


Silly goose, wall street bros aren’t people :stuck_out_tongue:

But nah forreal WoW Stock Market Players are what, maybe a few hundred at most?

Axe them.

You aren’t doing thousands of transactions daily to manipulate the economy to your benefit lol

I was offered a sword for 65 gold in exchange for Pumpkin Lanterns. “Huge money, how can he not be sorry to part with it?” Later: I buy wonderful talismans-amulets for 200 gold apiece.


I tried that once way back when I was newer to the game, despite knowing nothing about nothing regarding stock markets. But I read a guide about how to do it so surely it couldn’t be that hard!

Yeah…that was a metric ton of Citrines I ended up with by the end. All my little stunt pulled was that in my rush to try to create an artificial scarcity, I ended up becoming the demand and people started farming more and more Citrines for me to buy up. On the bright side, I managed to barely break even on my mistake, so it was a lesson learned.


Personally though I got back into WoW not because of any expansion but because it is, in fact, an excellently designed RPG. Nothing else was scratching that itch so I got back on.

Ironically BFA’s cinematic brought me back after my absolute bewilderment at Legion end game content killed my initial interest. And I stuck with BFA because as I was there at the start I actually knew how to play the damn thing.

That’s another weird quirk of modern WoW design I think needs to be addressed. The game starts in earnest at max level now - where you will feel weaker than ever if you come in late thanks to the exponential growth of IVLs during an expansions lifetime.

And I guarantee you’ll deal with mechanics, currencies and whole gameplay modes that have since fallen by the wayside that the game never suggests ignoring. That’s why I never saw at least 50% of Legion’s content. I figured out it was much better to just run into Argus and accept you’ll be stomped into dust a bunch before earning decent gear from quests and the currency that gameplay offered. Everything else was irrelevant.

I worry SL will follow suit. The Covenant gear, much like the Class Hall gear, is already irrelevant. If someone starts SL this time next year I guarantee they’re going to rush by all this cool Covenant stuff and world building so they can go to the new end zone. And they’ll be right to do that if they want to do dungeons or raids or turn on Warmode without being atomized by a passing player’s sneeze.


I’m currently (slowly) working on a proposal that does just that.

Where we were hamstrung in “the other thread” is that any proposal was met with “but how does that help the Night Elves?” and, well, you saw the result.



Because the forsaken were basically waging a war with no quarters given on them, forcing the worgen to fight for their very survival?

Okay, thats not fair. Some gilneans were merely enlaved rather than wiped out, my bad.

Most undead have gone at length about how much it sucks actually, and theres a high chance that before the resurrection frenzy wore off the undead in question might have been used to kill former comrades and friends

Nowhere near the same. Quite literally the opposite in fact.

The maldraxxi. As in the maldraxxi who just had a civil war and we killed quite a few members of because they were being evil- those maldraxxi?

Have nothing to do in this situation, but since you brought them up i’ll play along.

The ebon blade is perfectly aware that what they’re doing is messed up and that is brought up several times by its own members. The key differences between the Ebon Blade and the Forsaken is that when EB knows that people are gonna hate them for something they do, they accept it and make amends later (ashbringer, drustvar dragon, arguably shadowlands too). On the flip side the forsaken complain amd whine that those pesky living wont just roll with all the atrocities and chemical warfare

Yeah because those gilneans who werent even alliance at the time totally deserved it
Or those kirin tor wizards who also werent also alliance at the time
Or those human “seeds”
Or those southshore guys
Or those dudes in fenrir isle
Or the people expirimented on to develop the blight in the first place
Or those valkyr
Or theresa

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"Hey guys we may have stormed your holy chaple with mindless undead we enslaved, killed or wounded anyone who got in our way, tried and would’ve succeeded in defiling it and raising your founder into undeath if not for DIVINE INTERVENTION.

But be fair. We’re helpful when we have mutual enemies"

Alright dude. That’s kosher but the Forsaken ain’t. You have a good evening.


I never said it was kosher and this is even echoed ingame- Nice deflection though, try making up excuses for the rest of the post

Ah yes like that famous in-game questline where the Alliance and Horde try to siege Acherus because of the resurrection of Thoras and Nazgrim.

Oh wait.


Remember, kids:

Necromancy is only wrong when Horde Warlocks do it! :point_up::smiley:

Or a certain Zandalari Loa… :skull:


Okay, they raised two notable indivuals to undeath- fair enough.

How does that absolve the forsaken of anything theyve done? Or how does that even compare to the forsaken’s killcount?

Or even better, what does any of this have to do with the original topic of worgen vs forsaken beyond me posting on my main?

Because so far theres been a lot of moving the goalposts and dodging questions with little of the original topic adressed-want to make a thread about all the bad stuff the EB have done? Be my guest, just answer the gilneas questions first

None of this has anything to do with the original topic because all Alliance mains seem to know how to do is enter into threads intended to center Horde development about ourselves from our perceptions of what our problems and needs are and exclaim what they personally feel entitled to such that only Alliance players can approve or veto of whatever a Horde player suggests.

Lets do an exercise.

YOU suggest a solution, and I’ll tell you if it meets MY criteria

Go on then


This whole thread is half about stroking the Horde player’s ego and half about how they can have a better time by making the Alliance player experience worse.

It’s not about moving the story in a better direction for both sides its about raising the Horde’s by crushing the Alliance’s experience in the process.
That’s why the OP is only interested in hearing the arguments from one side.

To sum it up “For me to have a better time, you have to have a bad time” mentality.