How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

You thinking I’m moving goalposts when I post a very clear issue on some sort of concept for future storytelling you like? And how apparently that translates into me wanting the NEs and Draenei dead? I get that you have issues with me not liking the NEs, but again … just like with your PvP concept … my issues with a 500 year timeskip exclusively come from me seeing little to no value for the Horde Faction or Races in it. Least of all with our current writers. And potentially even putting us in a worse place than we currently are on some key areas the Horde is really struggling right now. Especially our character roster.

It is not often I find myself on the same side as Droite, but you have a problem of gaslighting people you disagree with. Just like you pretending to be confused with my point, despite very clearly summarizing what I was trying to say.

Gaslighting and putting words in the mouth of your opposition isn’t anyway to conduct yourself in a constructive conversation.


Isn’t that what the forum is doing … everyone?

The same NEFPA.

Gaslighting would be implying that a person is crazy as a means of trying to get them to back off from their point. Which I’m not doing. What I was doing with Droite was to explain the extremity of her position as well as the Catch 22 that she constructed. With you - I feel that you brought something completely unrelated to the table, and I’m stating that belief.

Other than that, I really don’t feel like explaining the same thing thirty-seven thousand times if they just don’t want to read what I wrote. I’ll give people one or two chances to get it before I write them off - it’s better for everyone’s sanity.

Isn’t that just being on the Story forums? This thread had 5k posts of people arguing over something that Blizzard will never care about.

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It’s more this sequence of events:

A: I think that cows are evil because they emit nitroglycerin

B: They don’t emit nitroglycerin, and I don’t see how that would make that evil.

A: Why are you ignoring the evil of cows emitting nitroglycerin?

B: I just told you that they don’t. Did you not read what I just said?

A: Are you accusing me of being an idiot? Why won’t you answer my question about nitroglycerin!

B: Cows. do. not. excrete. nitroglycerin.

A: [500 word post on how they didn’t use the word “excrete”, they used the word “emit”.]

That’s the sort of madness that I’m out to avoid. That sort of thing, back and forth, into eternity.

I’ve been very clear about my issue with a 500 year timeskip. It would cull the majority of our remaining roster in our absurdly hero driven game, with seemingly very little benefit for the Horde Faction. Not even distancing us from our sins of the WoT, given who those sins were committed against (so its not a “cleanser” of any kind). And given Blizz’s already current horrific track record when building up the Red Faction and its absurdly depleted character roster … I cannot fathom how “starting from scratch” would do anything but undermine and explosively exacerbate the Horde’s current issues.

Just like your PvP scenario.

You mean the one that you admitted at first you didn’t read, and then after learning more details said you would accept only if Blizzard resuscitated Baine so that you could complete your relocation of the goalposts into a concrete bunker?

That PVP scenario?

Anyway - my point has been made already - but fools rush in, so here I am - I’ll try to make this point a third time:

You rejected the timeskip based on the mere fact that the Night Elves and the Draenei would still exist - which is something that all scenarios, except for one that would remove them as playable races, share. Hence I can see no scenario that you actually would accept, period. It is again, a Catch 22.

Will the Horde Save the World, The Alliance Save Itself event be okay?

At this point, WoW should start from scratch. But not with a timeskip. Just retcon everything that came after WC3. Create a completely new WoW. New engine, new world. Forsaken, Night Elves, Blood Elves and Goblins as neutral races. Horde still lead by Thrall, Cairne and Vol’jin. Alliance still lead by Bolvar, Magni and Gelbin.

Pray to the Gods Blizz doesn’t mess it up this time.

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This would not work either, as it would not reset audience expectations.

Nothing would do that. That is a fools gambit. The audience should expect trash from Blizzard always, it is the only thing they have been able to consistently deliver the last near 2 decades.

I thought Bwonsamdi liked Rastakhan though?

Well, if you believe that’s something immutable, then I’m not sure why you’re pitching that as a suggestion to Droite, who will riposte that Blizzard will screw it up and therefore you’re not rebuilding or redeeming the Horde. It happened to me!

That is the root of the problem though. We can’t expect Blizzard to change what they have been doing for years. Which was my original point that you tried to gaslight me into thinking it wasn’t relevant to the discussion.

Like, we just need better writers.

Since we’ve already established that it doesn’t really matter how long you make the timeskip, it wont distance the Horde faction from the WoT, just accept that. Do a short timeskip (1-2years) and an Anti-Cata expansion focused heavily on internal racial narratives and rebuilding/healing. With a nice boost of zones on release, and then taking the ESO philosophy, with a couple more updates “current” territories added each major patch through the end of expac. A timeskip in of itself will not be a pallet cleanser, the only way to truly get one is to focus on those local, down to earth stories to really create that environment for reconnection.


Not really. I think he’s got a soft spot for Talanji and Zekhan by proxy, but his relationship with the one skirting the rules (Rastakhan) was always a bit iffy.

I in no way gaslit you. I pointed out that Chromie was irrelevant to this conversation in a way that left room for you to explain it if I was wrong. I did not see such an explanation.

I also shared the definition of gaslighting earlier. Now that you have it, I’m going to have to ask you to be more specific with that accusation next time.

Ok, this I can actually work with. You are still aware of some of the content that I think should be in that, among other things, but this is helpful. Thank you.

I completely agree. That is what made wow popular to begin with. That is what they did in Classic. Then Cata changed the old world. Every zone was tied to the main story somehow, if it wasn’t outright memeified with Rambo and Indiana Jones references.

Worst thing about it is, we have had Cata zones longer than we had Classic zones, and I really think that was the start of WoW’s downfall. When their philosophy moved from steady world building into an all encompassing narrative driven by shallow moralization and shock value.

Because you left no room for one. You knew full well how she was a relevant example to my meaning.


Hmm… Well I still think he looks very um… ‘friendly’ to him in this picture lol
