How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Few of these and mountains (and pretty much any other obstacle) are moot.


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These to



Throw in a few all you can eat pancake and syrup dinners and you’re golden :wolf:

Also Tyranid Bio Titans are beautiful things to behold




Kyalin doesn’t like the Cenarion Circle, so she doesn’t want it to be a force of cooperation.

I think her problem with the Cenarion Circle is that while it has strong ties to Kaldorei society they

  1. Largely didn’t participate and or help the Kaldorei

  2. Are still allowing Horde members to be a part of the organization.

I could be wrong though :wolf:

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To be fair, I actually don’t fault her for this. Truly, it should at least get a little frayed in those neutral groups after the 4th war. But, Blizz isn’t about to risk their neutral groups like that, since they are so easy to write forced Horde inclusion with.


That’s one of the biggest complaints about BfA…groups like the CC should no longer be neutral after everything that’s happened.

Than again, if the game was realistic, horde players wouldn’t have much content to do after 10+ yrs :wolf:


Not like we’ve had much to do the last 10 either. So not much change there I suppose lol! Blizz tends to just roll us out to be used as a plot-device for some pet despot of theirs, but generally we are just a vehicle for that story. We were hardly important beyond being the necessary functional tool in either the Garrosh or Sylvanas periods. I mean, hell, both of their “rise to power” relied on a gimmick, the death of a WC3 founder, and then the silencing of WC3 themes and reps for years to ensure that despot had free range. Only for those same WC3 themes to be used as a an excuse to save the plot-device from their nonsense.

I swear, that moment in the Arathi Warfront when you realize that Turlayon didn’t even know the Horde had Paladins until BfA … was quite humbling. Given Liadrin was one of only two characters our Faction was allowed in all of Argus. And Aethas was hunting a muffin thief. Retroactively giving us a pair of ARs doesn’t quite compensate for truly how inconsequential we were in that expac. And despite what people may think, the MU Horde was no more relevant to the story of WoD than the Alliance (because, just like with the Dark Horde & EVERY Troll faction we’ve butchered) … killing Horde races does not always equate to Horde content.

EDIT: I mean, we’re in the DEATH expansion (the one cosmological domain of six in ALL of Warcraft that the Horde actually has had far more relevance and nuance with) … and one of two living characters we’ve been “allowed” (and the main rep one of the most spirit worshipping PC races) … can’t stumble on a story of his own if he tried. He’s not even in 9.1 as far as I can tell. He seems to be just pouting around waiting for Anduin.


Mmmmm delicious biomass. Nom nom nom.


Honestly, if BFA offered the option to defect, I’d have taken it. It’s not that I’m actually interested in the alliance, but…blah.


Meh, I was waiting to settup a shop in Gadgetzan lol!



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Honestly, I was thinking it be cool to open up an Elemental Cafe lol! Where this little gobs workers are all like super minor elementals. They work there for fuel and power till they grow in strength and can go make waves in their respective planes. Tiny little fire elementals to help with the stoves. Little water elementals helping keep the freezer cold. Wee bitty Earth Elemental waiters. And Air elementals serving as air conditioning away from the hot-hot Tanaris sun lol! Got a lil interplanar business partnership going on down there. :laughing:


I adore the idea of that! Now I want it to exist >.<;

And that is all.


Four Elements Inn.


Eyyy you made exactly what I suggested into a map!!! nice

Well almost, only difference being I said Tanaris should be Horde (by virtue of Zul’Farrak and the goblins there) and Twilight Highlands should be half Horde (because Dragonmaw/Orc outposts), also Northeast stonetalon and half of Feralas being Alliance (by virtue of Dwarves in Stonetalon and the rejoined Shendrelar into the Alliance).

Side note: someone on this forum has taken to making sock puppet accounts to harass me on wowpedia via bad faith edits, going so far as to try to remove the trans-Chromie edits last week and this week tried to purge the Blood Elf page of all references to the Middle-East (and tried to claim Blood Elves are Byzantine). Whoever you are, @ function is free, my DMs are open, will duel you in the Barrens if you wanna settle it in-game.

I just realized, every “other home” of each Dragonflight is in mostly-Horde territory:

  • Twilight Highlands (Orcs and Dwarves) has red dragonflight
  • Tanaris (Trolls and Goblins) has yellow dragonflight
  • Highmountain (Tauren) has black dragonflight
  • Borean Tundra (Taunka, Tuskarr) has blue dragonflight

Only exception is the greens.

I think we actually discussed this a little. Kail is right that it would be weird for the Bronze flights territories to fall into the Horde’s territories (or any nation’s), so just follow that Southern Line from Ungoro west to the shore. The south is Neutral, the North is Horde. And since the Swamp of Sorrows isn’t that much of a fixer upper, extend that neutral line west from Duskwood as well for the EK Alliance.

As for Stonetalon, truly, the NEs hold very little holdings there since Cata. And maintaining presences there really would be far more taxing than one would think (as the only access point is again that Goblin made pass to the west). Especially with the corruption of Stonetalon Peak. Frankly, it might truly be better for both sides if that pass is closed and that mountain range serves as the natural border. As for Feralas? Sure, I don’t see why the NEs can’t keep a holding on the Western side around Feathermoon Stronghold. At least for the purposes of Hypogryph training (which is kind of what that Stronghold is used for). I also VERY much disagree with the Twilight Highlands. The Dragonmaw betrayed the Horde for Garrosh back in MoP (and have a horrific reputation with the Red Dragonflight). And the ONLY way you can justify getting the Wildhammer out of the Hinterlands (and losing Aerie Peak) is by giving them their ancestral homes in the Highlands back. It is time for the Dragonmaw to either join up with the Frostwolves in Alterac or make the migration to Kalimdor.

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Makes sense!

Also makes sense

Yeah I just don’t see why the Shendrelar wouldn’t want to keep their isolation for the most part, given though they rejoined the Alliance and are “reintegrating” with the Nelves (ergo Nelf mages), it also doesn’t quite make sense to just live together again.

True but at the same time, it’s prime real estate for the Mag’har

Personally I’d let the Alliance have that “column” running from Durnholde Keep/Alterac, the southern shore of Darrowmere Lake (so Uther’s tomb and everything south of Scholomance), which allows for control of the pass from Scholomance to Aerie Peak.

So while everything from Shadra’alor through Raventusk Village is Horde, they’d be “choked off” other than over the mountains through Plaguelands, or via portal magic (given reunified Troll peoples)