How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

You’re a degenerate troll. NO ONE IS obsessed with it but you

Played straight how I mean it is that the trope is not subverted.

If the narrative had support Garithos and told you what we was doing was right, then the narrative would’ve been supporting racist ideas that there are people who should be allowed to determine their race is better/more deserving and cause the death of others based on that.
Because the narrative did not support him, he is simply a character in the fiction being racist rather than the fiction itself being racist.
Does that clear it up for you?


It’s Saurfang’s reasoning. Like, I’m not sure if you’re trolling, or what. But, I’m well aware that Stormheim is brought to mind for those orchestrating Teldrassil giggles.

Can you kindly ask him to remove the suggestion then?


Which is just sad really. Sigh The faction conflict could have been so much better if the alliance had some actual flaws. :wolf:


Like I said above. Its the deciding vote for Saurfang falling prey to Sylvie’s arguments, but it was never really allowed to be a motive (let alone a valid one) beyond that. And even if you could argue that the WoT (not Teld) was at least justified in the Horde’s perspective because of the several major incidents of Alliance aggression proceeding it; Blizz was very clearly not of the mind tonally for those events to count. So they just didn’t let them.


No. Because nobody but YOU is obsessed with it

And some tasty internal tension, people having different opinions, playing off each other. Would get back on my Alliance characters to see it play out.


And I would have played my forsaken warlock to see their side of the story, but here we are instead :wolf:

But does the narrative actually support the idea that “savage tribal dirty people with dark magic who just want to hurt good people”?

Isn’t the playable horde proof of the opposite?

Teld was part of WoT, you don’t have to like it. The oxymoron of, it was the deciding factor for Saurfang to orchestrate the war, while not being a motive is what true whitewashing is. Not the fact that Genn’s slap had a genocide reprisal.

I’m not arguing if it’s a valid motive(because it was), it’s just the satisfactory one for people who enjoy things like validating Teldrassil.

There is suppose to already be internal tension with Tyrande and Anduin. But the writers would have to actually focus on it for it to matter.


So you ignore the many times we raid/dungeon trolls because we gotta put em down again, the bit in Chronicles about the Well of Eternity shaping the NEs to match their “graceful souls”, the massive difference in wording between the Narration when you start as a Troll vs a Human, the many times a troll has been described of as smelling badly by authors, the difference in how the narrative treats fire nuking the trolls in the Troll Wars and the bombing of Theramore.
The thing about racism in narratives, that the writers might not even realize they’re defaulting to, is that it is insidious and can fly under the radar if you are not aware/ didn’t grow up with racism affecting you. If you really want to know more I would highly encourage you to do research and most importantly listen to people who are most affected by racism. I’m gonna be frank, I do not know your intentions enough to really go into Racism in Narratives 101 and I do not have that kind of time.
If anyone has like… a helpful video or article, go for it. I am currently blanking.


Alliance thought the Horde betrayed them on the broken shore.

In Legion it was because of a legion ambush that it all happened but idk if BFA and SL retconned it to a purposeful action by Sylvanas.

I seem to recall a interview with Afrisiabi saying as much.

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The mere fact that Sylvanas Windrunner was made Warchief was in itself a provocative act.


Scream, scream, scream! “The Horde repairs are not affecting the Alliance in any way! Why are you bothering us?”

Agree to cleaning by age! The Horde is the victim, the Alliance is the villain, the Horde is cleansed of its sins, and the Alliance is stained with the massacre of the “peaceful” (non-resisting) population!
The perfect solution to create Horde characters with an eye only on the trauma of the overwhelming experience! And they will be created, yes …

The trolls do get beat up alot. I watched the intro and they used the word “savage”. I get it. How would you describe the trolls then?

Idk why people are trying to gatekeep this thread either. It died multiple times, and had to be resuscitated over, and over. Sometimes for reasons as flimsy as like syrup, and pancakes.

It wouldn’t appear that the people posting now, since the thread keeps dying, are the ones being degenerative Trolls.

Resilient, formidable, traditional, tenacious, ruthless if you really must.

And then to really get it, look up European opinions and propaganda pieces on the “Unexplored Dark Continent Africa” and the people there, and what words and imagery they use.


I thought it was cute.