How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Whitewashed so much the Horde didn’t even get to comment on it lol. And then they pulled that stunt in Silithus, where the excuse they wrote into BtS for why its OK an Alliance military organization is killing Goblin civilians … wasn’t going to work. So they defaulted to “LOL! They Goblins!” Because as cute as Sapphy was, that side story was meant to be the justification and validation why SI:7’s attack on the Bilgewater was fine. But then someone must have realized late that chronologically it didn’t make sense, so they just had the Cartel (even for them) nonsensically attack the EL first. Then attack the EL again later for their original attack to kidnap Sapphretta.

Blizz … does this all the time. They are so absurdly noncommittal with Alliance aggression, as few as it is. Varian declares ware on the Horde in WotLK? An in-between expansion treaty is signed just in time for Garrosh to break it and “start the war”. Theramore threw all neutrality out the window during Cata, making it a valid military target? Another peace treaty in an in-between expansion book is signed … just in time for it to be an “unprovoked attack” by Garry. Taraujo? More put work into absolving and excusing Hawthorne than was put into that event itself. The Purge? Was dialed back in severity several times, and the only person to every beg for forgiveness for it was the leader of the the VICTIMS. Aethas. Who, btw, was the one who broke the tie in favor of Dal helping defend Theramore against Garrosh. God … Blizz and their Alliance purity test… :expressionless:


And you’re adding literally nothing to the topic but But he bought the alliance into it. Add something constructive, get on your main, or go away :wolf:


This is my main. Haven’t played since Legion. And my posts have been on topic. Arguing against a racist Alliance is 100% on topic.

Funny enough Varian declared war on the horde twice, he even threatened to end the horde after MoP…which of course nothing ever came of that very real threat :wolf:

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Joyful scream. It will be interesting. Yes.

But “Repairing the Alliance shouldn’t affect the Horde!” But could the Horde repair affect the Alliance?

Literally no one is talking about a racist alliance but you and thats all you keep saying. Again, add something constructive or go away, :wolf:

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Garithos was racist to Dwarves and Elves and saw their lives as not as important as human ones. He is a character acting racist.
When the writers rely on racist tropes, for example “savage tribal dirty people with dark magic who just want to hurt good people” and this is played straight, this is the narrative enforcing a racist ideology.


No, but people were arguing that this thread’s job isn’t to make the Alliance players feel better. That’s fair and i agree. However the point about making the Alliance racist is actively seeking the make Alliance players feel bad. Which is unfair.

Which is what any sane person wants to avoid, like at all costs, because it just sends a terrible message.

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Which, strangely, it should have. Because Genn’s attack on the Horde in Stormheim was his and Rogers belief that the Horde’s “betrayal” on the Broken shore was them forsaking Honor. When it reality, the Horde lines had completely buckled, and had they stayed they would not have survived long enough for the Alliance to get a shot at Gul’dan. And Sylvie signaled the retreat to the Alliance the moment she did the Horde.

See … the consequences of Stormheim should have been massive. Because as justified as Genn believed he was, it was still him co-opting Alliance resources in an attempted assassination of the Horde’s new Warchief. During a Legion Invasion. Without any real idea of what she was doing before or after; as shady as it was. And this event (and Anduin’s failure to even punish Rogers, someone he had full authority to punish), had the Horde actually been allowed to react to it, would have told the Horde one thing. It didn’t matter if the Horde “upheld Honor”, because the Alliance could judge they didn’t for any reason … and attack them at any point. This was a massive international incident that was swept under a rug, because Blizz couldn’t allow for it to count.



Like stop trolling already

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Uhh, the Horde’s reaction to Stormheim is Teldrassil. Like, literally it’s unbelievable that Genn would be allowed to scrape someone on the Horde, and get away with it.

Stormheim is an excellent example of the alliance doing something morally grey, I just wish blizz stuck to their guns and didn’t whitewash it in the end. :wolf:


Garithos did more than just see their lives as unimportant though, he was actively seeking to kill the blood elves and it was played straight(i assume you mean serious).

No its not. It SHOULD have been what attributed to Saurfang’s War of Thornes. But it wasn’t really allowed to be. Because that would be a motive, and the Horde can’t have those.


It’s the first (real) solution proposed in the OP. Thus on topic.

NO it’s not. Now, as Baal is fond of saying, stop being a degenerate troll and go away.

It’s right there.


I wish Stormheim was allowed to be a conquence in the story. It would have added to the tension between the factions and be a legitimate reason for Sylvanas first strike strategy, because she knew people like Genn would never stop hunting people like her :wolf:


Like I said, Blizz is VERY noncommittal with Alliance aggression.

And btw, Stormheim was mentioned once. Not by Sylvie, but by Saurfang in passing. Only in a good war. When Saurfang used Anduin’s lack of response to that incident as evidence that: A) Anduin is too fresh and weak a leader to resist the call to War by his elders (which Tyrande and Genn were lowkey actually doing btw); or B) at worst Anduin was actually complicit in that attack. Stormheim was the deciding factor in Saurfang falling prey to Sylvie’s arguments. But … all that was swept under a rug for many reasons.