How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Still, is it possible to finally expel all the druids of the Horde from Moonglade or not?


Pot meet kettle.


Sure, but it’s stupid. Those horde druids are…well they’re neutral. They don’t support either faction technically. :wolf:

Whatever the Alliance seems to want the writers to write seems to be a nonstarter for many Horde players here.

Cant reconcile.
Cant have veangence.
Cant have seperation.

Seems like the only path forward is to let the Horde do whatever it wants and Alliance playerbase should just suck it up as long as the Horde player is happy.

ROFL, and this attitude is what makes you nothing but an aggresive toxic annoyance in this place who frankly only manages to derail the thread.

Cause you pretend your “MUH way or GTFO” IS the only way to work on the Horde narrative issues… you don´t even honestly try to read and/or engage with the other posters, you just want blind “yes, man” answers.

I´ll give the same “courtesy” you give us: consider your attempts at “contribution” ignored FOR REAL. Go haunt threads were you at least have the decency and honesty of engaging with people instead of playing the victim card while you keep acting like a not-subtle-at-all jerk.

Just don’t talk in a demeaning way. Is that so hard to ask?
Everytime you do I stop reading.

No big deal, thankfully Malfurion, the leader of the Circle, has finally tangible support for the night elves. Therefore, we will drive them out on a national and racial basis.

Your post should go in that thread, not this one, because I don’t care.

Only you, Ain, and Badmaa want this, because the three of you are degenerate trolls who want a degenerate narrative.

The entire thread that Zahir created does not have anyone expressing that.

But hey by all means if you want to go there and convince them, go ahead.

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What Zahir created is about Alliance identity and most people pretty much have good idea of that. Alliance identity besides the High King fiasco is not a contentious thing to debate.

You haven’t even spelled out what that is.

Sylvanas is being hunted by the Alliance. Nathanos and Saurfang are dead.
But that’s not enough, it’ll never be enough

Yeah trying to take neutral content away from Horde players is stupid. I don’t think theirs a single Horde post in here saying their shouldn’t be some Alliance only content.

At least you’re predictable :point_down:

Stay seething.



Wow a typo gotcha.

Because you refuse to contemplate the Horde making any amends to allow the collaboration to take place in a satisfactory manner.

Because more than 3 people are responsible.

When he type veangence…My mind legit thought he was saying vegans weren’t allowed ally side and I was all like WTF?! for several confused seconds :wolf: :smiley:

(All because he spelt vengeance wrong)

Maybe this is grass-is-greener syndrome but that does feel like a “benefit” the alliance has due to being the reactive faction for so long. When all you do is respond to outside threats, your characters and preferred NPCs are less likely to be used in a proactively bad way. It lets them stay more consistent.

At this point, I feel like my own character that I play doesn’t seem like much of a hero anymore. And it doesn’t matter if the horde becomes the reactive one for once because the previous flip-flopping has already been set in stone.


Literal first time ever I resorted to the forums ignore rule ffs. You were indeed right, time to stop wasting time “screaming at the proverbial wind” so to say…

They can go bother other posters actually interested in listening to their toxic takes, I´m done.

Let´s go back to something more productive… what ideas do you have for the Quelthalas portion of your hypothetical? Let´s say today is one of those rare days I can procrastinate while on the job.

Lol, not even this Sarm. Having the characters acting like passive clones of each other is NOT good to improve the already perceived as “too reactive” narrative of the Alliance. That “lack of reactivity IS a problem”. And if posters actually dedicated their free time thinking about constructive ways to FIX that instead of cattering to their fantasies of revenge IN HERE, their thread would be much bigger.

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You refuse to contemplate that Alliance players are not the arbiters of the Horde narrative.

Right, according to you ALL Horde (civilian or otherwise, participated in the fourth war or otherwise) are guilty. Couple that with the fact that 2 of 3 architects of the WoT are dead it means you won’t be satisfied until every Horde member is dead.

Obviously, that won’t happen. Which means you’re just here, once again, to piss and moan about your hurt feelings instead of being productive.



Rebuilding the damaged portion of the city and healing the scar would be nice for starters. Silvermoon and Quel’thalas in general is one of the most beautiful places in game. :wolf:


Restating my ideal situation:

  1. Zandalari and Darkspear want to approach the Amani
  2. Blood Elves agree to give everything up to Duskwither Spire 100% Amani, and to share governance of everything in Quel’thalas (Eversong + Ghostlands, excluding Silvermoon and north, excluding the Amani territory that was given) with Amani
  3. Amani are unsure but convinced to join the Horde
  4. Undead Elves (both Velonara & Co and Delaryn & Co) decide to settle Ghostlands too, the Undead Elves get the “scarred” half of Silvermoon
  5. Amani realize that the Blood Elves also endured a genocide at the hands of the Scourge lead by a Human Prince
  6. Success

Quel’Thalas, again, is the only mostly intact Horde capital city after the rifts are closed. Orgrimmar is severely damaged by the rift feedback and Thunderbluff (along with the rest of Mulgore) disappeared when the rift closed.

This forces the remaining Horde population that isn’t attempting to rebuild Org to go there. The remaining Blood Elves will be focused on 2 things: rebuilding Quel’thalas and developing their anti-magic corps with an emphasis on Spell Breakers.

This is just kind of an overview for them.


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One question - how do you perceive this theme and the theme of Zahirwrite? I see this topic as a “repository of Horde plots”, and it seemed to be originally positioned that way. The Zahirwrite theme is “what is the racial fantasy of the Alliance races,” and the Humans are mostly hated. They do not offer scripts, rather they try to separate the Alliance from the idea of ​​"Humans and their imitators".
And bursting in there with a plot dedicated to the repair of places is somehow … wrong? More wrong than breaking into the topic of opponents. It is inconvenient (and why?) To propose a plan for building a house when a plan for dividing the territory between the residents of the village is being discussed.

Seemingly a fitting analogy. Yes.

Going back to the topic of this threat (Rebuilding the Horde) I’d like to shine a bit more focus on some of the smaller Horde Races. Namely the Taunka, Hozen, and Drogbar. This, of course, is assuming some magical wonderland where Horde and Alliance races are both getting their own stuff addressed as well, as while these races are interesting, I don’t want to take away anything from the other races that need development first.

For the Taunka, there is a lot of interesting things to explore with a race that has survived in such a hostile continent for such a long period. While they are fortunate that they did not have some malignant force specifically hunting them down, that does not mean their days were peaceful as the land was harsh, and the continent had always been a dangerous place even before the re-awakening of the Vykrul, and the Scourge. We know the tribes are mobile, save for their capital, and that they also practice a unique form of Dark Shamanism. Unlike the destructive practices of the Twilight Cult and Garrosh however, this is more for survival and due to the more unruly and hostile natures of the elements in Northrend. Due to this, the Taunka have a much more hostile relationship with the elements than other tribes, and it could be an interesting source of disagreement between other Horde shaman and Taunka shaman. I would like to see the Taunka developed a bit more, as well as grow both themselves, and the Horde through trade. The Taunka have a history of trading among themselves (and likely with the Tuskarr as well) and with new routes opening up to both races it should be interesting to see how the Taunka, who have long been depicted as a race focused on survival, would incorporate new technology, magic, and items to help them better prosper in such harsh climates.

The Hozen are another interesting group with the Horde, and one that has been shown in BFA to be assisting the Horde as soldiers and specifically working with the Goblins in Vol’dun. (Hozen can be seen cheering / helping the Goblin’s giant Monkey robot fight against the Gnome’s giant Spider robot) The Hozen, thanks to the generally solid ways all the races were fleshed out in MoP have a good grasp of what culturally makes them up, and thanks to that we have a good idea of a race of crass, energetic, and sometimes highly distractable people who enjoy discovery, and having a fun time. They also have the shortest actual lifespan of any WoW race, that I’m aware of, giving them a rather unique angle among the multitude of ‘old enough to remember the War of the Ancients’ races. Being a rather dynamic race, the Forest Hozen were shown to adapt quickly to new technologies and strategies (with them quickly gaining understanding of explosives, siege weapons, and military protocol… mostly) and seeing them gain access to higher tech societies like Goblins and Black Rock engineering would be an interesting way of going forward with the Hozen. (As well as providing plenty of opportunity for crazy goblin and hozen antics). Also any expansion on them would be a great chance for us to see Riko and Kyrin again. I miss that couple.

Lastly, the Drogbar are another race that seems to have a great potential for expansion given that we know a fair bit of their unique culture, magics, and region. While the exact extent of Drogbar in the Horde is unknown, we do know of at least one tribe, the Stonedark, has joined the Highmountain and likely the Horde as a result. With the Underking’s defeat however, we don’t know much of the status of the rest of the Drogbar, and can only speculate if the majority of the race is coming together under new leadership, or staying disparate, or joining with the Horde or not. Given this is a thread on the Horde’s reconstruction however, I’d like to see the Stonedark taking a more leadership role among the Drogbar, helping to unite the tribes (again) and this time forming far closer relations with the Highmountain / Horde than their previously chilled stance. Not only are the Drogbar expert jewelcrafters, but thanks to their primarily subterranean habitation they have unique access to resources that other races in the Horde often find difficult to acquire. Not only that, but the area under Highmountain seems to have large spacious regions within them that can host entire drogbar cities which are fairly impressive in size. It could also give the Horde a chance to branch out into more subterranean regions of the Drogbar, which is a part of the game that has only been somewhat explored. Though we have hints that Azeroth seems to have it’s own version of the Underdark, with massive subterranean areas beneath many of the continents. (like the Nerubian kingdoms)
