How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Okay, i actually went through a few hundred responses and had to stop because things had devolved into nonsense tripe about power levels and racism- and ironically enough, almost nothing about how to make the Horde better from a moral standpoint and most of it about how the Alliance needs to be dragged into the mud so everyone sucks

Was a conclusion ever reached about this:

Last thread got booed because it more to do with nelves than the horde itself and thats fair- so CAN the Horde be redeemed without getting the Alliance involved?

And since im here

Legit question here- you obviously dont care about any evil actions commited by your faction/race because its war and that stuff “just happens”

So why do you care if your race/faction gets villian batted if it doesnt matter what they do?

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