How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

It exists in name, but I think it’s notable to point out that before BFA, Malfurion was the sort of character who Blizzard treated so tepidly regarding the Horde that they wouldn’t even code him into Tyrande’s leader raid, leading to this situation where Malfurion would just callously stand there and watch while his wife and anyone who was coming in to defend her would fight alone against a Horde attack. That just personifies the distance that the CC had from the Night Elves as a playable race, which feels particularly bad because the Night Elves as a race pretty much established themselves as existing to defend the wilds at the behest of the druids - who now looked like they didn’t care if the Night Elves lived or died.

Maybe that’s not something that a lot of Horde players connect to, but personally? Having defended against a lot of those raids - that REALLY builds resentment for that character, and for the institution. I was relieved to see that sort of thing die in BFA, all things of course considered.

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Which organization was it now again that stormed the maw, and has set up base in Oribos?

Sigh … as a slight offshoot on the topic at hand, it is very unsurprising to me that Blizz seems to be putting more work (far more work) into setting up an “out” or “redemption” for Sylvie here than they will with the Horde. If they couldn’t even be bothered to give the Horde motives for being the aggressors in BfA, and had to write Teld nearly completely out of the story to keep the Horde from being inconvenient for Sylvie setting up SLs, it really is not shocking that “The Nothing Horde” is “Nothing”. Just a plot-device.


I mean, I’d say it’s in limbo right now. We don’t really know what the consequences of Malfurion’s new factionalism will be for the CC. You may turn out to be right, but without knowing for sure, I think it’s a little early to talk about bullets.

I don’t think that’s the kind of prominence Kyalin was talking about. They’re only active for a quest chain during the intro, and even that turns into the Jaina-Baine-and-Thrall show pretty quickly. There’s no rep grind, no organizational outposts in the questing zones, etc. The “base in Oribos” is ignorable.

The highlighted elements are not the points upon which my frustration hinges.

Yup, they even tried to flag my thread because i dared to say that Ardenweald was way more night elf than troll…

Just look at nearly every night elf comment…

And now a attack on Ardenweald is somehow blizzard hating on the night elf.


To be fair, I think only one person was ever actually saying that when the quest was being datamined.

Well, then you be the judge. What Morghel is talking about is that a bunch of Knights of the Ebon Blade accompany the PC into the Maw. You go through a short quest chain where they’re seen fighting other Maw denizens in the background. The only member you talk to is Mograine, the commander, who gives you a few quests. Once you’ve fought your way to the bottom of the first large hill, he realizes that Jaina is nearby, and you find her, along with Thrall. Then she gets your whole party to a safe cave.

Jaina gives you some backstory and then Mograine gives you missions to interrogate some souls and find a way out. You hear of an ancient waystone that might be able to teleport you. Then you go out with Jaina and Thrall (and you later find Baine and Anduin as well). You don’t really see Mograine or the EB after that. The rest of your intro quest chain is about getting to the waystone and escaping the maw.

When you arrive in Oribos, Bolvar shows up, but he’s there as the former lich king, not as a neutral organization leader. Nothing has been said about the Ebon Blade in any of the questlines since that intro sequence, and I don’t even know where this base in Oribos that Morghel mentioned is.

I don’t know if you’d call that prominence for a neutral organization. I don’t.

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Don’t know. Her thread became quite popular on both forum ( because she did one in SF and one in GD forum) and had a lot of people backing it… In fact most of the same people who was in my thread saying that thinking that Ardenweald was more night elf was stupid.

Does it really surprise you after the past ten years that we’ve been conditioned to expect the worst?

There’s only so much “wait and see” that you can take before you end up concluding that when things initially look bad, that’s how they’re going to be.

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I don’t know what your point have to do with what we were talking about. I know that you love to whine about many thing that have to do with night elf but at least try to follow the discussion.

It’s not hard to follow - you’ve found a way to shoe-horn in your usual complaining about Night Elf fans. This is me humoring you.

Saying the world ‘‘night elf’’ doesn’t mean that we are all talking about the same thing. We were talking about Ardenweald being consider to be a night elf zone and you just start ranting about ‘‘expecting the worst’’ which had nothing to do with Sarm and i discussion.

To be honest i don’t even know what is your life at this point. You past the last few day on non-night elf thread just whining about night elf… This is kind of sad.


I’m not sure what else I expected from you.

The attack on Ardenweald leads Night Elf fans to presume the worst because thus far, we are aware that there is a battle, Tyrande shows up, and things end with Tyrande on the ground. Simply connecting the dots there leads to the initial impression that things didn’t go well, again, concerning an unambiguously Night Elf character.

That has little to do with whether the application of naturalistic themes can credibly be called specific to Night Elves as a race at this point in time. Nor does it speak to the complaint about having said themes cannibalized by neutral parties. If that sounds complicated, it’s because it is, but this is where Blizzard has left us.

And once more, I’m pointing out that your reasoning and your overall attitude isn’t coming from anywhere objective. It’s coming from a demonstrated issue that you have with Night Elf fans.

Ehhh he’s the leader of the Ebon Blade now, and the Ebon Blade is being mentioned throughout 9.1, we raid the Sanctum of Domination with the Ebon Blade as our army/raid force

Yeah, but Bolvar isn’t there as a representative of the Ebon Blade.

That might end up counting as prominence for a neutral organization, but nothing that’s in 9.0 (or any of BfA) qualifies in my book.

…but he is? He is there as Highlord of the Ebon Blade. He took Darion’s job, as he stepped down.

shrug It didn’t really read that way to me, but admittedly I’m going from the memory of doing this (on 8 different alts) a while ago.

Here, I’ll park a link to the whole sequence so people can judge for themselves.

It’s his literal title lol like on the NPC; the Horsemen call him Highlord

I know that, but when he gives me quests, I don’t feel like I’m “working for/with the Ebon Blade.” Not like it was back in WotLK when the organization was first introduced. I don’t feel like this whole expac is an Ebon Blade story, even though they’re present. But maybe mileage varies on that.