How Can We Redeem/Rebuild The Horde (Actual Horde Edition)

Morghel doesn’t recognize any of that.

He openly admitted in the other thread that he thinks none of the Alliance victories mean anything because it doesn’t sate his personal bloodlust against the Horde and that the Alliance should not lose any moral highground at all period.

Interesting idea, now apply that to Every Single Alliance Poster In The Other Thread. Quote your reply there over here when you do so, then I’ll believe you.

Oh wait, this you?

So you are, in fact, the hypocrite.

Yes but Racism Is Still Bad and the story would just need to drive home the point “This character is racist and bad”

Otherwise, as we’ve seen in the other thread and here, we’ll get Alliance players trying to justify Garithos and Daelin as Not Racist.

“Ah you see, Daelin hated all orcs because of what they did, racism is just when you hate an entire race for no particular reason”

Ignoring that all racist ideologies IRL are based on histories and historical narratives and nobody is racist “for no particular reason”.

Curiouser and curiouser!

And that’s why the Alliance needs to be given one (1) explicit unquestionable “this person is bad and immoral” character and some grey.

Be heavy handed, lay it on thick.

“We should re-enslave the Horde races that can work and re-educate them, and finish off the other Horde races like the undead and blood elves. Tauren are too big to be controlled, so just keep them in Mulgore and Highmountain but build a wall sealing them in that we control, a land reservation.”
