How can we get ahead if we are constantly put on teams that dont play the objective?

is this real? would you mind linking that character? i dont think ive seen any1 with such a losing record.

Mine is just as bad. It’s hard getting on good teams. So many people don’t know how to play pvp. Or they do and are intentionally being bad players. It’s rough. Im at 30/72 on this character. Ive had this character for 16 years and i have never had it this rough in pvp.


I think I’m just so conditioned to losing at this point that I def. don’t try as hard.

I think I do have a hard time playing a PvP healer. I feel like I should be able to face roll across my keyboard and get a better win percentage though.

My current theory is Solo Q’ing as a healer is bad because you are removing a healer/DPS duo Q with at least SOME teamwork and skill from your team.

…or I just suck at monk healer. Really first time playing this class. It can’t be that bad, I get the rotation and everything else. I do struggle with objectives, positioning, and surviving the DPS train from time to time.

Playing a healer is so different than a DPS. You really are the Quarterback of your team.

Here is my Spriest and Rogue for reference:

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Avoid Tuesdays and Mondays when the non-PVPers grind BGB for their weekly quest.

  2. Try switching to Prot until you hit 1800. I’ve found playing Prot can be far more impactful to winning and losing when you have a team that doesn’t play objectives. While I might not be able to 1v1 a DPS to cap a flat, just spinning the flat and preventing an enemy from capping: 1) deprives the opposing team of points; and 2) draws enemy reinforcements to kill you, the thereby weakening them at other nodes.

  3. Make macros with strats in them and cast them to /big chat before the game. Sure, some people will ignore them. But many times players who have never done BGB will thank me for posting the differences between normal and rated.

  4. Whisper individual players and politely ask them to “cap x” or “spin y”. They will ignore you 50% of the time, but every little bit helps.

  5. Be patient. I think the biggest problem is the rules are so different in AB, EoTS and Deepwind, new players have no idea what is going on or how it should be played. In 2 months, the playerbase will be more educated.

If I had it my way, Blizz would change all Random BGs to the BGB format. Much more fun and will teach players the new rules. Maybe do it as a weekly PvP Brawl.

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I think you ppl misunderstand the point of blitz. Rated bgs were an issue because god forbid y’all socialized and got a team together. Blitz is meant for us casuals to be able to queue up, get conquest, some rating and go on to queue for randoms as usuals. Y’all never queued, never got a team together and certainly never EVER did rated bg foreal. What makes you think you’ll be successful now?

Is like when ppl win the Lotto and now all of a sudden everyone wants to play the stock market. You never had the brains to do it when you didn’t have money, money won’t make you smart.

I understand 1000000% and agreed with you, I’m frustrated because 90% of the games I don’t win, is because ppl don’t play properly and don’t even know why they are doing. I’m ok with that though because I’m only here to weekly cap and without having to ever step foot in arena.

If you have a problem with a random battleground (blitz, because let’s face it…. Is the same as a random bg) then y’all can find a team that is willing to follow rules, play objectives and queue up for actual rated bgs.

The end.


Indeed. The old RBG system is right there. According to Drustvar a couple hundred might still be playing.

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probally gonna quit this game tbh came back for TWW but super disappointed with BBG lose 200+ rating because of a bug also the que times are rediculous and its stupid they keep putting your in way lower MMRs when your CR is way higher to lose maximum points and when you actually win a game here and there you win NOTHING, blizz is wasting peoples time here wtf is going on with the mmr system i see multiple complaints here its like high risk no reward and waste peopes precious time, we dont have time to keep farming your broken mmr system and bug of lost points with no reimbursement

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As you know, you’re only 1/16th of what can cause a win or loss in Solo BG. If you want to hold mediocre players accountable and simply kick actually useless players from your team, make a team for RBGs. Then you can decide what good and useful gameplay consists of and expect that from teammates. Random folks in Solo BG can play like the best coordinated RBG teams out there, or they can ignore all objectives, but they will be the person to decide how they want to play the game. I do wish you luck.

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Why do you keep necro-ing threads with this response? Just quit.

That being said, the matchmaking has never been better. This is extremely noticeable as a tank, because there are so few of us we would often be placed in games hundreds of mmr below us just to generate a game. I’ll take the longer queue times as a trade-off, no sweat.

The 200 mmr/cr loss? Brutal, but you know what I never see? Straight up rage-quitters.


Ah yes. duo queue in a solo queue bracket. What a brilliant idea blizzard. Just full of them arent ya…

What percentage of shenanigans could be reduced if they just got rid of it?

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1600 to 1750 and 1900 to 2000 are hard…I solo queue only and I lost a lot of games in these two brackets. It feels like a roll of the dice, you have no control of anything, win one, lose two, rinse and repeat.

To break free from this slump, you need to solo-carry your team in a couple of games to raise your own MMR. In contrast, 2000 to 2200 range is much easier because usually your teammates all work on objectives.

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oh i wiII be qutting waiting for my sub to run out, its sad went from 2200s to 1700s Iike seriousIy i iost a few in a row and got put into Iower mmr games cause a mini Ioss streak then it turns in to maximum point Ioss and no cr gain or very minimaI why not keep me at around my cr and stop forcing me to Iower games yeah gg devs u did a good job your system is no good. bye bye TWW

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this is by far the worst pvp rating system ever, its more Iike gambIing your time and !ife away for nothing. this comes from a muIt DueIist and one time giad piayer veteran who has been on and off this game for years. Giad i got to 2200 at ieast but its over with for me aint no cIimbing out the mmr HEII they caII it.


It’s really terrible to feel like you do all the work and the others don’t even seem to want to play, just exist and press the keyboard like a parrot.

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