How can Warlocks be tolerated?

I’m fairly certain the balance the Jedi are supposed to represent is based off of Buddhism. So it’s the balance of body and soul, a balance between extreme indulgence or self-mortification.

Jedi aren’t emotionless, they just aren’t allowed to form attachments. They can still own things, have preferences, have sex, indulge a bit. They aren’t allowed to over indulge. The whole no lover thing is based off of past experience, Jedi taking lovers constantly backfires. Part of the arrogance of Anakin was thinking he’d be different, but he wasn’t.

That’s one of the things I hated about the EU. The constant jedi lovers they had. Kinda reeked of specialness to me, like “look this one loved without problem” when the movies was supposed to show that when one Jedi broke that rule it caused colossal destruction and that the rule existed for a reason. Some Jedi character falling in love and being okay would be fine, but there were just so many.

The Dark Side don’t represent any balance. Indulge as much as you want, or don’t. Love as much as you want, or don’t. There’s no boundries, no balance. They just do what they want, and that feeds the parasitcal nature of the dark side.

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I don’t really disagree with what it is meant to be. Just that it doesn’t hit the mark. The emphasis in the main movies does strongly hit on lack of attachment, passion, etc. That Anakin has one attachment that ends up with a horrible outcome. Whereas all the other Jedi are monks in many respect.

Warlocks have been using the Legion’s strengths against them since way before Illidan even existed in game. Earlier in vanilla, NPC text that changed depending on what class you were, was very unkind to Warlocks. I remember when Death Knights came out, and they had this whole event of walking through city streets and people shaming and cursing them. As a Warlock, I was a bit jealous.