What the title says, Night elves that delve with the fel get morphed into satyrs, will they explain how can a Night Elf be a warlock without becoming a satyr?
By creating a script that allows them.
That’s not how it works. It’s a curse that started with Xavius and he spread it to others. It’s not because they wield fel, it’s the curse.
Im pretty sure thats not true
Any race can turn into a demon. With enough fel. Warlocks don’t necessary turn into demons (anymore). They have spells like fel skin to suggest that you turn slightly demonic. Or if you see the warcraft movie and the avatar of sargeras with Medivh.
Something like demonhunters but that’s having a demon sealed in you or through demonic magic pacts.
I think maybe exploring a fel realm like the shadowlands might help explain the ritual with the orcs better eventually. It doesn’t mean you can have night elf warlocks.
If you play some wrath of the lich king dungeons there were some night elf warlocks in forge of souls.
Similar way Night Elves become demon hunters.
Illidan: Now you must make the sacrifice for your ultimate power as a demon hunter.
NEs: We are ready!
Illidan: Stab out your eyes!
NEs: Yeeeaaaaah. How about we just keep the spells and cheer you on.
An easy answer would be Illadari who don’t want to be demonhunters just being warlocks honestly. Very easy to rp.
I’m still waiting for them to cook up some lore to support those. They did it when they introduced all the new priests after being berated in the forums.
Not as dumb as nelf paladins which will inevitably come because there is a vocal group that wants them.
Prob the same people that like ice cream on their pizza
If you got the fel under control its fine.
I’m trying to image Tyrande’s hilarious reaction to Night Elf Warlocks.
Yet they exist in lore.
Yeah the Burning Legion is dead, so there’s no more demons left to hunt.
May as well summon what few of them are left in the nether
The Satyr curse is an entirely separate thing.
The Burning Legion is still active, just not as strong as they were and leaderless.
there can’t…it completely changes what it means to be a night elf, destroys a strong, unique culture built over what, like tens of thousands of years?
Night Elf player since warcraft 3 - not a big fan, sorry
I’m very happy that this is a dream come true for some players - but i think lore should be first with changes like this…there is no build up to this at all? It should be a big deal to use demons in the Night Elf faction - so i’d expect at least a patch of story to make this feel like a true fantasy…
anyway, just my thoughts - i’m a gameplay first player, but i wish blizz would take the story seriously.
also the all races/all classes is a mistake imo.
The demons led by Sargeras. I am willing to wager their is a shadowlands like place for fel probably. Sargeras was a titan that dipped into fel magic. I want to see the original fel pantheon/ realms honestly. Zereth Mortis showed us that the first ones made zereth realms for everyone. So I am interested in demon hunters and the fel and warlocks.
The zereth mortis set is called demon star. The red star has been bigger and devs said that’s a bad thing that we have seen that red star getting bigger. I am guessing that is the demon star that the zereth mortis set talks about or references and may be the realms of fel.
I think demons are coming back sometime along with more demonhunters. That’ll probably be the last class that gets all the races or maybe even evokers hopefully they’ll find a way to make non dracthyr evokers some day. I wanted a nightborne evoker with a cool elemental dragon form.
Pretty sure they just hit a button and you have night elf warlocks
The same way Palpatine came back. Money