How can Overwolf have a monopoly on addon apps?

I would recommend uBlock Origin. Adblocker actually sells ad space now, ironically enough.

If you’ve already installed Adblocker it’s totally worth it to uninstall it and grab uBlock O.

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That is true, but I wonder what their level of calls they get are for add ons anyway. I have a feeling they got a lot of support requests when ELVUI issue caused action bars to disappear. There were a lot of “why don’t I have action bars” in chat Tuesday.

That said, I am not sure if creators like ELVUI would host on Blizzard, and I am not for Blizzard being the sole repository.

But, using a 3rd party app like Twitch etc. stink because of the bloat.

I’m currently using wowup[.]io Open the app before playing, click update, log on. It also reads all mods you had from twitch and updates them accordingly when the app developers update them.

Hi guys. I am trying to install Wowup, and Windows Defender and my antivirus are throwing out all kinds of warnings. is the site, correct?



Antivirus said “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” then sent it to quarantine.

After beating the antivirus into submission, it was let through and works.

If creators receive a little money from ads on app sites there would not be much incentive for them to move to a Blizzard hosted site. I like the idea that creators are getting some type of revenue for their work. In my eyes that gives them more reason to keep the addon updated.

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Is this still an issue if you run 4 adblockers?

Do Twitch et al. revenue share? I thought the devs that wanted to make some money doing it just ran a Patreon?

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That depends, do your adblockers block stuff in stand alone apps or just in your web browser?

The Overwolf addon app and it’s regular overlay app are their own programs that run independently.

Twitch did yes, but from what I’ve heard it wasn’t much. The one dev that I’ve read talking about it was like $3-4 a moth or something like that. So Patreon and donations is where they make the most. The big draw for Twitch/Curse is simply because it was the biggest and most well known. If you want your addon to get used and people to see it to get any Patreons then you need to put it where it can get the most exposure.

I dunno. I’ve only used Twitch app for a long while now, and haven’t seen any changes to it yet. Not sure when Overwolf is supposed to be taking it over. Is it going to stay the same and they just own it or what? I keep seeing people flip out but nothing has changed yet for me.

I have started using Cursebreaker and one think I miss about Twitch is it tells me the version of the game the add on is updated for.

Overwolf is developing its own app. They just bought the Curse site, not the app itself. Twitch will still own and operate the Twitch app, it will just update and remove the Mods tab.

Ah, well that was the only reason I used the app in the first place.

I always manually downloaded and updated them prior to that anyway. No biggie from me. Usually did a daily check at the start of a new expac, and then checked about once a month for updates after that. 5 minutes a month isn’t much of a sacrifice. :smiley:

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I’ve got a pair of piholes on my network, and it does block everything but inline video ads, for that you need adblock or ublock.
I love my piholes. Makes the web usable.


I switched to wowup based on a recommendation. Seems to work fine so far with no gaudy ads or unecessary stuff to get in the way.

Hazel on Youtube uses WoWUp now and seems to like it.

@OP…there is nothing stopping someone from doing that. Other applications already exist for it.

Good ol’ overwolf… they been tryin to be relevant for years, guess they finally got their chance. Pretty scummy tho lol

They need to endorse one honestly.