How can I tell which unique pets I don't have at 25?

Probably not as straightforward as the question looks profile shows 7 pets that aren’t max level, and my dataforazeroth pet score isn’t an even multiple of 100, so there must be pets I don’t have maxed.

  • When I use the rematch addon, the levelling queue pulls in 0 pets
  • With the rematch addon, filtering by “pets without 25s” gives no results
    -It doesn’t seem to be an issue with faction-specific pets, the number was at 1675, and found four more pets, so both of the rematch tests are applicable for both my horde and alliance characters

The only thing that I can think of is character specific pets, but I’m not aware of any.
Any other ideas on how to filter this? It’s annoying being so close to maxed.

Use the filter and click Low, Mid, and High Level

I also often have to use the ‘Fill Queue More’ option to get everything in my queue to level.

On warcraftpets you have 7 pets without a sepia background (sepia background for duplicates?) that are under 25 (sort by level to get them clumped together):

Yellow Moth
Trapped Stonefiend
Blue Moth
Blue Mini Jouster
Dragonbone Hatchling
Eternal Strider
Glimmerpool Hatchling

Spot checking the first two, it’s showing you have both a level 1 and level 25 of the Yellow Moth and Trapped Stonefiend (didn’t look for others), but the level 1s have a non-sepia background like your other 25s and your 25s have a sepia background. Maybe it’s picking the level 1s to count towards your distinct pets?

Impressive collection btw!

edit: You can also click the Total Pets button in the topleft of the Rematch window to get statistics of your collection, which should include the number of distinct pets in the journal vs the number of level 25 pets you have. (I forget if non-battle companion pets are involved in these stats, I think they are.)

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I can see what’s going on, I have duplicates of all those pets, but the rare is a level 1, and I have a level 25 of the green, and it counts the rare copy towards my levelled pets.

I didn’t know about the sepia background thing, thanks for the help with this.

If it helps, here is the FAQ on how warcraft pets prioritizes pets for the pet score calculation:

The 3rd question there highlights how they prioritize.