How can I stop my Chat box and Mini Map from Fading out?

Does anyone have a simple solution?

That sounds like a mod function not in the base ui, google shows ElvUI, so start there. Maybe chat or pratter also.

Are you talking about the minimap in the corner of your screen, or the small version of the world map you can open? The minimap shouldn’t be fading by default, so I’d look at your addons for that one.

If you’re talking about the small version of the world map, the very useful addon AdvancedInterfaceOptions has a checkbox for the fading setting (as well as many other hidden settings.) You can also use the console command
/console mapFade 0
Either way, the setting is on a per-character basis, so you’ll need to do it for each character you have (but it should stick once you’ve done it on a character.)

On the chat window, are you talking about the background color? There’s a setting for changing it if you right-click the chat tab window. The fading behavior of the background seems to happen when you’ve got it set below a minimum opacity, so just increase the opacity to what you want it to be all the time.

If you’re talking about how the text in the window fades out after a while, then you’ll probably need an addon to adjust it. I seem to remember Prat let you set the time before the text faded.

For the chatframe and if I remember correctly,

/run ChatFrame1:SetFading(false)

for ChatFrame 1 (General by default).

The ChatFramex:SetTimeVisible(nnn) is how long before fading in seconds (10 by defaul)


TY! This works! And you post needs upvoting!