How can I display my title above my character so it's next to my name?

I just put my character name back on my head, however, I cannot find the option to display my title or personally hide guild name from my floating name.

I am trying to take a screenshot with just my title and name.

Help please?


Just gonna answer my own question, as someone in-game told me. Also, in case anyone else was interested/curious.

To turn on your title, type in this command:
/console UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle 1

To turn off your title, type in this command:
/console UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle 0


In game the name options are in the character screen. Press C to show the normal paper doll thingy (where you can see your equipment etc). On the right side there’s three tabs, and one of them looks like a piece of paper.
Click that and you have various options for your title.

The NPC / player / guild names are in the options menu.
Options / Interface / Names


The command in the edit for OP is the answer to my question. Thanks for responding though!


The answer from Jim is the manual way to do it without a command.

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There used to be an option in the Interface Display options that allowed you to display your title, but that is no longer there and is now a command, which is weird.


In game the name options are in the character screen. Press C to show the normal paper doll thingy (where you can see your equipment etc). On the right side there’s three tabs, and one of them looks like a piece of paper.
Click that and you have various options for your title.

The NPC / player / guild names are in the options menu.
Options / Interface / Names

Go to the character screen
Click on the paper icon
Click no title

Okay, maybe there is a miscommunication that has been passed from my original post. Let me clear it up.

I have my titles selected, but they were not showing. Like nothing at all.

The option is no longer in Interface Display.

I had a dude help me in-game because he couldn’t find it either and somehow found the command.

He also originally told me what you two are telling me. And I’m telling you guys, it’s not there.


That’s pretty weird.
As long as the manual command got you back on track then that’s good.

People might search for “character title” in the months to come and see this thread, so between us we have covered how to toggle that stuff on and off. Good for posterity, good for morale.

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I mean, if you type /console UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle 0 and then go and try and select a title, you get nothing at all. Something tells me you’re a master troll.


I’ve never seen that command until today. I’m seriously bringing up my concern and my experience. But if you want to continue disbelieving, go ahead. I already got it fixed without your help.


Thank you this helped a ton!

This worked:
/console UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle 1
Thank you!

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Thank you Liger. I had the same problem. I have a whole list of titles, but discovered that none would show in game in BFA.
Since using your command, the title function now works as before. I can now choose any title, and they show! Or choose “none” for no title.
Now to fix the guild title showing/hiding…

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Just worked for me too…Thanks!

Not sure if you found it yet, but the command for guild showing is:
/console UnitNamePlayerGuild 1

Late response but I couldn’t help myself from defending you. You’re right, there used to be an option in the interface that would let you toggle “Show Title”. These folks must have played back then :slight_smile:

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this worked thank you dude! was trying to figure it out for ages

Worked - thanks. Shame this was the solution, but, not shocking.

I had an issue where nobody’s Titles were showing up next to their names – mine or theirs. I suspected either of the two new AddOns I’d installed yesterday (Narcissus and phisHideUI), but after turning both off individually, learned it was somehow neither? I’m still very confused how this even happened.

Your edit in your OP turned all the Titles back on for me! So, thank you very much for posting that!!!

I still wonder how they all got turned off in the first place, though, considering “turn Title visibility on/off” isn’t even in the Settings…