How can I better make friends here?

Thanks - will do tomorrow once I’m back around my computer :slight_smile:

lemme how that goes!

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Class discord servers are a great source of information :+1:

You can do a filter search for guilds recruiting what you want to play on You can see guild size on the armory but you won’t really know what kind of atmosphere the guild has without being in it. They can write the best description in the world and it could just be some guys pitch and not a true reflection.

Being a good player :+1: I tend to keep to myself so I decline all friend requests but if you’re a ballerino at your role people will want to play with you. Also being myself, it’s 24/7 jokes with me :rofl: and I don’t treat people like dirt if they aren’t good players (important).

I play alone these days but when I did want to find a guild it was


I’m a collector :slight_smile: that’s all I do in wow these days. I do nothing more difficult than random finder content. So fun for me is getting more stuff and rising in the ranks on


If you’re a loner like me I think your best bet is getting RL friends to play with you.

These are not actually guilds most of the time. They’re just spam-invited people who play together until something better comes along.

Don’t accept spam invites if what you want is a group of people who are tight and attempt to make friends. That’s advice nugget #1.

No, it isn’t. This game isn’t worth playing, in my perspective, without a guild group of people I talk to on comms and enjoy hanging out with to play it with me. It’s not silly at all, and I commend you for making an effort.

It really can be, and it can take trial and error. I strongly recommend getting on comms with any guilds who are recruiting and talking to them before you attempt to invest. You’ll know within an hour or two if they’ll be a decent fit.

No guild will be perfect. That’s advice nugget #2.

But you can find groups that play at a level you want to be on. There will be the socially awkward guy. There will be the woman who talks too much and has an annoying voice. There will be a guy who thinks he’s really good at the game because he found the perfect one-button macro. There will be the guy who is kind, crafts for the guild, always provides excellent social discourse…and can’t seem to make the meter or improve.

And all of those people together will be a part of your raid team along with the rest of the crew. That’s how it is in friendly guilds that play together for social enjoyment and mutual support. If you’re willing to befriend the ones who aren’t exactly what you hoped for and make them “your people,” and if you’re willing to go along with the atmosphere of the group, taking things seriously when they do and being casual when they’re casual…it will make WoW 1000x better.

Edited to add: Advice Nugget #3 - Don’t despair of finding a guild right now. HUGE numbers are on hiatus doing other things in the runup to the new expansion. If you can’t find a guild between now and SL, that’s okay. Don’t worry. They’ll come back when the content drops.

My guild is actually very active and we talk to each other via text and Discord on a regular…but almost none of us are logging on daily right now. I get on to do my collector and pet battle dailies and log back out. It’s just that time right now. So. My point is: if you can’t find one during the content drought, don’t worry. It’ll happen.

Honestly, the only advice I have is to make your own guild and recruit like-minded people. That’s what I did and we went from nothing in Wrath to one of the top guilds on my server in Cata. I went through four guilds before that and I never fit in. So yeah, make your own guild. Maybe try and get some RL friends to join you? That also helps.

Heeeeeelloooooooo :wave:

Now we are friends.

I’m going to tell you a story that probably sounds pretty stupid, but it’s how I met my Wow friend group of 3 years.

The story:
I sat in Goldshire and dueled lat at night.
The end.

Jokes aside, that is kind of how it happened. Find social hubs, hang out there when you’re in between queues or not doing anything. Don’t just afk in a main city while you wait. Go to Goldshire or the front gates of Orgrimmar, duel a bit, talk to people, get to know those that hang out there (it’s usually the same crowd with newcomers coming in and out every day).

I was in Goldshire on my rogue back in Legion, and I was talking to a frost DK. Some Hordies were in the area, we’d killed them a few times, it was fun. Then someone added me on bnet. It was the monk we killed. She asked about the people in Goldshire, we talked for a bit, so I went elsewhere and hung out with the Hordies on my Alliance rogue. A shaman, a DK, the monk, a warrior, and later a feral druid. After talking to them extensively on discord and through bnet, I transferred my rogur over to play with them.

I was an Alliance main in Legion, now I’m exclusively Horde because of these people. We all hang out in discord and play together almost daily, and it’s been that way for the past 3 years. New people have joined up, some left, and the monk had some issues and disappeared. But me, the warrior and the druid have been talking and hanging out pretty much nonstop ever since.

Find a social hub in-game and establish yourself with their little community. They may even get you into new types of content (I didn’t do arena until I started chilling with people in Goldshire).
You’ll meet fun and intetesting people that way, and some of them will likely stick around.

Additionally, there are only about 10 of us that actively play together, and the core group consists of about 3 people (pally, warrior, druid) that play together constantly.

I’ve considered starting a “private” guild of sorts, where there’s no recruiting and only personal invites. Could be fun, but I’ll probably wait for a bigger crowd before I start anything.

Be friendly and have conversations with people.

So I run with two guilds. One is my mythic raiding guild. Most of the people in that guild I only raid with. I like them well enough but aside from a handful of them we don’t do much together outside of that.

The other one is the causal friends and family guild that I am in on this character. They’ve been on break for the majority of BFA because they did not enjoy it but are all coming back for Shadowlands. They never do more than heroic so if you’d like to hang with us you’d not have to worry about server transferring.

Then if you’re ever interested in more challenging content I might could get you involved with my mythic guild eventually too.

You can add me if you’re at all interested. Just let me know and I’ll post my btag. :slight_smile:

Otherwise… General advice for making friends is to just be open and friendly with folks. Add people you enjoy playing with and try and play with them more often. Discord communities are also a good place to make friends.

I met most of my friends on wow.

I too am looking for more friends to play the game with.
Wait, there’s discords?

Couple things.

  1. It’s not dumb. There’s nothing wrong with wanting interaction and wanting to find other players who hang around and meet a certain checklist - that being wanting to utilize your class / spec, etc.
  2. You’re not the only one feeling this. Other threads pop up like this from time to time.
  3. Never settle for anything less than what you feel comfortable accepting. That’s important.

So what’s that mean, right? It means keep searching through various discords, communities, etc. Continue pugging too because you might always run into people recruiting there who you jive with.

As far as improving your play is concerned, I’m a 2400 experienced player, and I coach (for free). If you’re wanting to improve in arena, or learn some basic things, or just want someone to information dump on you involving various fields, you can add me and we can chit chat. I don’t mind being an ear / pair of fingers typing back at you so you feel less lonely.


I haven’t made any friends since BC. I joined a guild when I came back from a break, and we’ve been friends ever since. They don’t play anymore, but we keep in contact and I am very thankful I met them. My husband is the only friend I have who plays retail, so when he takes a break it gets pretty lonely.

Of course, I’m socially awkward anyway, so that doesn’t help…

A few things… when you say “at the level you want to play”, what is meant by this? If you’re using the guild finder to look for ‘what class is needed’, take that with a grain of salt as most people don’t bother updating these things… and when it comes to “100+ players” … I’m in a guild of myself and I’m 42 people in the guild roster.

Not dumb at all! Most of my closest in-game friends I met as friends of former guildies, ironically. I just tagged along to raid and it turned out they didn’t hate me.

You seem very nice and approachable, so I’m sure you’ll find something eventually. There will be a spike in people looking come Shadowlands, so you’ll definitely be in good stead there if you hit the ground running from release.

just be yourself.

G. I. R. L.

Or if you are female, just be yourself but never go on discord until you’re ready to face the inquiries into your dating scene.