How can I better make friends here?

Blargh, I’ve thought about it! I’ve been in charge of a smaller guild for about 3 years over in SWTOR, but about two months ago decided to step away from that, and I’m pretty hesitant to start one up again, but maybe I’ll just have to give that a shot.

Also I hope my replies don’t make it seem like I’m just being contrarian or whatever, or shutting down any suggestions! I’ve really appreciated a lot of the comments.

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Are you Horde or Alliance main?

Alliance, but I can really do either, especially with SL coming up. I’m not suuuper picky, and honestly wish it was a bit easier to be cross faction, especially sharing gold and all that

My guild is looking for more people to come pve with us and hang out in voice chat.

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I’ll look into you guys, thanks!

guild spam, on the froums.


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Does your guild require you to always be shirtless, or is it just a sometimes kinda deal?

I have absolutely no idea regarding that rule, as…

I run my own guild however I want.

For you, we can possibly work out a deal.


60/30 off/on?

Start tanking.

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make it 70/30 and we have a deal

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I’m planning on running prot Paladin at least when SL comes around.

Add people you like and prioritize things you like about them over output. It is way easy as a tank to build up a friends list.

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I’ll keep that in mind!

If you’re interested in learning more, hit me up.


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Thanks - will do tomorrow once I’m back around my computer :slight_smile:

lemme how that goes!

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Class discord servers are a great source of information :+1:

You can do a filter search for guilds recruiting what you want to play on You can see guild size on the armory but you won’t really know what kind of atmosphere the guild has without being in it. They can write the best description in the world and it could just be some guys pitch and not a true reflection.

Being a good player :+1: I tend to keep to myself so I decline all friend requests but if you’re a ballerino at your role people will want to play with you. Also being myself, it’s 24/7 jokes with me :rofl: and I don’t treat people like dirt if they aren’t good players (important).

I play alone these days but when I did want to find a guild it was


I’m a collector :slight_smile: that’s all I do in wow these days. I do nothing more difficult than random finder content. So fun for me is getting more stuff and rising in the ranks on


If you’re a loner like me I think your best bet is getting RL friends to play with you.