Just give Keg of the Heavens back.
Just give Keg of the Heavens back.
I would love it, but if we’re being honest, it was too good and was an absolute crutch. Maybe with tuning.
Need a bres or give us lust or little PI brews that share the potion CD. I’d love to drop a large Keg or brew station to give the party some party buff options.
Before anyone says anything:
Druid - bres, verse buff, roar, lots of CC, cleanse
DK - grips, AMZ, bres, and nearly unkillable
Prot Pally - everything but lust. Why would you want another tank over a good prot pally. They have everything but lust.
I mean prot warrior has similar problems with utility. At least VDH has grips, stops, and chaos brand.
I want to see them remove stagger and completely redo the whole spec. Stagger is nice and unique but obviously they can’t balance it. Keep the same fantasy of drinking brews. I mean ignore pain for example sounds like it would fit perfect on a drunken fighter so they have plenty to work with to still make it viable.
I really don’t like the balancing caution blizzard has toward the class and I feel like it all centers around stagger.
shuffle needs to award stagger duration depending on how many ur in combat with upto a certain amount. bob and weave makes it 13 seconds but you should have shuffle atleast give 5 more seconds depending on how many people ur in combat with, 1 second for every 2 mobs upto a max of 5 seconds
What does adding Keg of the Heavens solve for Brewmaster?
I’m not entirely against it and it was definitely a fan favorite, but it doesn’t feel like it really addresses any of the notable concerns or issues with the spec at the moment, especially not to be the only thing mentioned.
I don’t find tankiness an issue at all. And if we wanted to address tankiness buffing stagger and increasing max HP would be my choice.
It increases max health which is fantastic.
But imo all tanks need a buff to max health.
My brewmaster drinks tea thank you.
Reduce purified chi max stacks to 5, increase base CB to where 5 was. Make CB reduce damage by 50% instead of 100% and increase its total absorb by 30% to compensate.
Reduce CB cooldown to 30s
Increase the duration of celestial brew especially if it’s going to become a partial absorb.
Honestly all tank absorbs should be partial absorbs.
Looking at you blood shield.
They’re just so much nicer for dealing with incoming damage. I’d rather take 50% reduction than reduce three hits and then be back to spiking down.
Yes absolutely. A well designed and well played tank will take damage very predictably.
I was hoping the devs would have put in a less OP version into the class as a baseline ability, or at least a talent. But alas, was not to be. I was also hoping we might see it return as a hero talent option… nope.
Really enjoyed Brew at the end of SL because of that set bonus and really enjoyed in DF due to the self-sustain buffs. Absolutely hate it now though.
And how does that solve any of Brewmaster’s problems? Unless we’re getting an absurd amount of extra health, it’s not really going to save anyone where Brewmaster is normally weak very much. The healing seems much more impactful, but considering how much bursty self healing Brewmaster has I’m not sure it would be in a practical setting.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not against bringing it back, but it by no means solves anything for Brewmaster on it’s own like the OP implies.
Where exactly is brewmaster weak? I’m not doing 14 keys but I feel like I could handle myself in a 12 without issue and imo anything beyond that does not matter.
Brewmaster entirely lacks AoE scaling that other tanks get. Even Prot Paladin’s limited AoE scaling (which afaik is limited to Gift of the Golden Val’kyr) is significantly more than what we have (effectively nothing). We become relatively weaker the more targets there are compared to other tanks, but are one of if not the best single target/boss tanks in the game. That’s not to say we cannot tank in AoE, obviously we can since people are able to time keys as Brewmaster, but it is where the spec is relatively weakest. Keg of the Heavens would have minor impact on this while escalating our single target tanking potential even more, as minor a step as it would be. We really just need AoE scaling, some tree reworks (removing bloat/unused talents/rework Niuzao) and some tuning buffs on some things. Keg of the Heavens could be in the tree reworks, sure, but it alone isn’t solving anything.
The also have the lowest group buff, and no brez,
There’s no reason to take one over a pally or dk.
The main scaling is parry chance increase from the shield bounce. Prot pally has others minor scalings like GoGV, bubble on shield dmg, or a cd on bubble on overall dmg).
For brew, it has AoE scaling from brew cd reduction on dodge/parry. However, I think that brew defense goes down hill with enemy number because brew dodge mechanics weirdly relies on BoK/RSK. Brew dodges better, the slower it gets hit. But this mechanic becomes irrelevant in large pulls.
Are you talking about damage or survivability?
It’s not just that, it feels like we can take like 8 melee hits in a row before our mastery kicks in and gives us…one staxk