How can Blizzard keep on adding landmasses to Azeroth?

It’s true, like the other day my nephew was over and he found a can opener that’s been lost for months.


There’s an entire other side of the planet we haven’t been to yet, so there’s plenty of empty space for them to fill in.

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Well maybe yes and maybe no. Take a look at Outland. Could be they have strange physics in what ever Universe Azeroth exists.

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Would be kinda cool of they updated the textures without saying anything. Just come some LK timewalking and …“oh, huh!”

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rl humans have spaceships which can orbit our planet.

we’re still finding new stuff out there.


the question seems to answer itself.


You have to suspend disbelief in order to consume most media

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Given that the alternative is that we never get new lands to explore, I don’t really mind reusing mists and incomplete maps as a recurring excuse.

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It’s their game, I like landmasses. It’s an awesome addition

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You can thank the boomer WoW Classic crowd for this. What should be happening is that existing zones should change, after 15-20 years you’d expect a zone like Desolace or Swamp of Sorrows/Blasted Lands to change, unfortunately we can’t have this.

When they tried this in Cata the classic boomers went full Karen mode and complained relentlessly about “muh old zones, muh old quests” to the point blizavision just won’t dare touch Azeroth anymore.


40+ y/o classic players, think it’s accurate. I like that gif though.

You’re still about 15-20 years off.

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Boomers aren’t 40 year olds.

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Because its a video game

Boomers are 60+ right now


The youngest, the oldest are close to 90.

But the kids heard their parents refer to their grandparents as “boomers” and thought it meant old people.

That’s what 60+ means yeah

Sorry to clarify. Very bad of me. I honestly didn’t know that’s what the “+” meant.

This is how Garrosh felt about Pandaria.

Very true. For example; we were made aware of Pandaria in WC3 if you played that short Rexxar campaign. That’s when we first met a Pandaren. My memory is a little hazy, but I think it was Chen Stormstout. We also learned about the Broken Isles in WC3 when we went to the Tomb of Sargeras.