How can Blizzard keep on adding landmasses to Azeroth?

Yeah its funny to go into places like the old LK dungeons and see holograms of azeroth without what should be very prominent land masses.


Good thing it’s not reality and its all make believe, ya know?

Blue-skinned goat people walk around shooting ice from their hands…but these undiscovered landmasses?! UNBELIEVABLE!


Lorewise, people have tried doing this, but none of them have ever returned.


Devil’s advocate here:

  1. Northrend was common knowledge, it just didn’t show up on the in-game map until until WotLK because it was remote and we had no reason to go there until Arthas started gearing up for war again.
  2. Kul Tiras and Zandalar were common knowledge, they just didn’t show up on the in-game map until BfA (Zandalar had been an isolationist but meddling power in the world since Vanilla, Kul Tiras became isolationist after most of the human kingdoms on Azeroth fell to an apocalypse during the third war)
  3. The Broken Isles were probably not common knowledge, but they weren’t completely unknown. They’d been in the lore since Warcraft 2, at least some orcs, some humans, some high elves, and some night elves knew their location.
  4. Pandaria and the Dragon Isles were both magically hidden and inaccessible, but everyone knew the Dragon Isles existed (since most of the oldest dragons had lived there at some point in their lives), and at least some people knew Pandaria existed (since at least one Pandaren explorer was living on Kalimdor for a time)
  5. (IMPORTANTLY) the islands on our world map are not to scale. They look huge on the world map, but there is a lot of empty space on the ocean, and lots of untraveled areas for unusual discoveries to be made.

tl;dr the only landmass we “missed” prior to TWW might be Pandaria, and even that wasn’t a complete miss. It’s just that none of these islands showed up on our in-game map because why would they, before we had anything there? There are plenty of other islands we know for sure exist in the lore, but that also still don’t appear.


Plantains are where the real proof of awesomeness comes from.


The lore for Dragon Isles has existed for much longer than Pandaria, though. Nothing changed from then until now. Hidden by magic, unable to be found by anyone. Lost to the ages. I think it’s fine. It’s fantasy. And not the first time we’ve heard of something like that in fantasy.

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I don’t believe I can argue with someone who is using a Dracthyr avatar and expect an honest conversation so :man_shrugging:


I mained a druid from Vanilla until this expansion. But hey, if you want to make nonsense comments, go for it. I’ll just ignore you, since you never have much of anything of add anyway. As has always been with you. Have a good day!

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The point is that you chose to self-identify as a Dracthyr on this forum.


No I didn’t. You just made crap up to act like your usual dismissive elitist self.

The last thing we needed was attitudes like this back on the forum.

Really wish they’d fix the forums so ignore actually works, though…


I believe most of the Broken Isles were underwater as well. They only began to resurface when Gul’dan began to work around the tomb of sargaras.

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im not sure but i think that was retconned
dunno how vrykul or the like could have been on an underwater isle, then again they are on high mountains, or suramar for that matter i doubt it was ever under water but maybe it was i dunno ignore me i’m just an idiot

well, because unlike earth, azeroth is a sphere and there is a bunch of land all over the globe. :crazy_face:

I keep a tel’abim banana because i want to go there.

Certainly not highmountain or stormheim…

When in doubt I think magic is the go to description for things like High Mountain.

I can’t remember where I saw it, but I’m certain at one point they said the magic that surrounded Suramar prior to the reopening of the tomb extended over the entirety of the broken isles.

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I was looking for this answer. :+1:


To be fair, we have satellites all over the place IRL but we are still finding new things on earth.


When it comes to the Broken Isles, we knew only of the Tomb, nothing more from WC2’s lore. For the rest of the Isles, Suramar was isolated with their shield but they thought that the world was destroyed all around them during the War of the Ancients and they never explored outside (only out casting the Withered from their society). They were never covered in magic or mists like Pandaria just unknown for the most part.

The globes or maps we see from the Titans only show us what they wanted us to see (if you piece all of the current Titan Lore in the current game). So chances are there are other lands on the other side that we have no clue about. So Blizzard can keep adding new places to the map, both underground, in the sky or even on the other side of the world when the story takes us.


Volcanic activity.

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Some of the devs have said that they regret putting those globes in.