How can 9.1.5 not be out yet?

Not entirely sure and no I can’t site my source as I forget who said it but I heard a rumor 9.1.5 is coming out early November…like idk Nov 2 or something. Plenty of time for them to rethink some things and hopefully not take away jokes and flirts from races that got maybe…idk 3 or 4 of each…like the tauren.

I barely log in anymore. Just tuesdays to do my renown and then I log off. II really love WoW, but the content just isn’t fun. Even 9.1.5 isn’t that appealing to me. Idk… I hope they announce something soon.

Takes a long time to go through and censor everything.

Even if they just done an AOE cap change it would still take time. Just that alone will take months of prep and work to ensure one class isn’t hands above the rest of the pack.

But there are many changes being made and not only do they need balancing and whatnot, they need to ensure it’s all working and nothing can be broken to the point of exploiting the game.

Especially since there is without a doubt 9.1.5 was not planned until the change of management. Even taking into account the usual changes like the usual increasing AZ (or anima in this case) gains, those would not have been planned until much later, so pushing them ahead means needing to re-plan the rest of the expansion.


Is this honest shilling? Is this satire? Or is this :fishing_pole_and_fish:? I really cannot tell. I don’t think it’s honest shilling though…

Imagine paying 60 bucks for a game and 15 bucks a month and wanting some content. I know it’s crazy how selfish people are that they want to try a patch that was announced months ago which includes what, some qol upgrades for old content. No sane person can question our complaints at this point, this isn’t even a filler patch while we wait til halfway through next year for 9.2. This is WOD all over again, except WOD was a far superior expansion.


They r waiting for end walker launch

I’d really like to believe this. Is this just your speculation or can you back it up? lol. Because it’s weird that the only news we’re getting is obscure reference changes to make their dev team feel better about the game it doesn’t feel like they’re actually working on much these days.

Patch releases are always planned. Because of the unlocks that 9.1.5 has in regards to 9.1 content with the convents I doubt it will be out until we hit max renoun period. The thought of any sooner is foolish.

I can’t believe how long it’s taking :confounded:

9.1.5 will be out on November 23rd to combat FFXIV Endwalker expansion. Blizzard has released a WoW patch for every single FFXIV expansion so why would they stop now?

Only this patch really doesn’t add too much. But they will be like you can’t play Endwalker because Legion mythic+ its only around for 2 weeks. We letting you switch coventents now grinding renown for your other 3 coventants is going to be a blast.

Check out these insensitive jokes/flirts we took out of the game its so much better now. My Draenei can’t joke about her horns being real and sharp enough to cut glass anymore in 9.1.5.

Actually now that I think about it it may come out Nov 16, cause Endwalker early access starts on Friday Nov 19th.

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Draenei can’t joke about their horns being sharp enough to cut glass, tauren women can’t talk about laughing so hard they spilled milk on the floor, male tauren can’t tell a joke based on I’d imagine a process done to steer or bulls, panda boys can’t make a joke/flirt based on how pandas in IRL are forced to breed, my female tauren can’t talk about her face for a flirt as apparently Blizz finds that offensive, and they’re declawing a lot of blood elf jokes and flirts that were for more or less harmless. Yeah…9.1.5 is already looking…great… so glad I’ve got other games to play