How can 9.1.5 not be out yet?

So you’d help by making ANOTHER post about the same thing and also bumping the thread to boot?

Just let it go. There are numerous threads about numerous topics. If there were numerous threads about blizzard doing a great job at X, I bet you wouldn’t utter a peep.


I, for some reason, thought of Keanu Reeves when someone asked him how he stays so grounded, and he simply answered “gravity”.

I then imagined he would answer this question of “how could it not be out yet” with “because they haven’t released it”

Don’t be mad, this is simply a peek into my mind’s comedic madness.

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Yeah this feature alone makes me think it’ll be mid November early December before we see the patch.

The devs are incompetent. That’s it. That’s the whole reason.


Maybe they need sell Diablo.
If Player Busy enjoy wow game they will not peek other game.

9.1.5 is just a scam anyways with bug fixes and scaling we should have seen during the pre-expansion. Nothing it’s bringing will do anything to fix what is currently plaguing Wow and none of it will do anything to stop people from leaving because 9.2 is looking more and more like and Easter release…


Plus, with so much of it relying on us being renown 80… it’d be fairly dumb to release it before next Tuesday wouldn’t it?

And 9.2 will have sweet FA content

If 9.1.5 is what they’re throwing at FF14’s full on expansion then Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha

That really slaps me on the knee.


A lot of people are patient but this expansion has made everyone wait forever between content so it’s not surprising some folks are done waiting quietly.


This. Can’t wait to see that “9.1.5 SuRvIvAl GuIDe” drop the moment Endwalker is about to drop.


6.1 had one :laughing:

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Yeah, it is not November yet!

Well…Sylvanas did get dominated by a big evil man…she should obviously be turned into a fruitbowl.

They haven’t even tested everything coming with it yet lol.

Might want to bring that up to them, Jains and Sylv walking around as fruit.

I’d think it would sell

Someone needs to do a fake leak with a banana with a bow and elf eye brows and say it’s still to threatening

What is “fa content”?

Not just that, but things they break, take away, or add in that they know we wouldn’t want to balance out the things we made them fix.

They are too busy changing dialogue from old xpacs and turning pixelated blurry women into fruit.