How big of a jump is it from solo to 3s?

Myself and a few guildies have all achieved 2500ish in rated solo in the past and by happen chance we now for the first time rnged into a viable comp.

I know 3s has a lot higher level of coordination the solo but would we have a shot at the mount by end of season?

depends on what that comp is tbh

Sure, I think it’s plausible.

We still have 3-4 months left so I’d guess end of season r1 will be up around 28-29 again.

Maybe higher.

Q up.

Are u sure

Season 2 begins late winter.

Feral, bm, disc

Psure, Sept was start of season.

I’m guessing End Feb/March end since conq unlocked today.

Could be wrong though.

Conservatively I imagine the season ends at earliest late Febuary.

Also hey Blood didn’t get gutted. More tsgs? :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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should be fine. jungle requires some setup for sure but it’s not rocket surgery

your success is gonna hinge on the feral landing good clones and hunter not being the kind of hunter who constantly misses traps

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I too like to dissect rockets.

Where shuffle is more spec dependent, 3’s is based on how good your comp is. If you’re not playing the meta then you’re going to quickly find out how frustrating 3s and will get beat by worse players. Like in shuffle if you’re not playing BM you’re just going to face ones who don’t even trap and still beat you.