How bad is outlaw rogue in pvp?

Let’s say is it worse than fury warrior?

total wheelchair spec, can’t do anything do anything without a healer and another dps to force trinket. Imagine if shadow dance had a 2min cd with 1 charge and did less dmg, that’s outlaw working around a dread blades cd

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Assassination, Sub and Outlaw are all fine in PVP currently. BlizZard will fix some of the outlier builds that Sub has and all three will be balanced with patch 9.1

The proliferation of honor talents between specs would be huge. For example Assassination with dismantle.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Dude you really need to stop spreading misinformation.

Outlaw is only pvp viable in randoms. Or if you play sub 1500

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For someone that says you speak the truth we know that isn’t true.

In BFA there is a reason why Assassination and Outlaw were used in tournaments. Actually there is a very good reason why WW monk often was a better choice over sub in tournaments in BFA.

Fast forward to systemlands and right now it seems a BFA repeat is brewing. Assassination is rising, Outlaw is rising. PVP sub is in danger of receiving an over nerf with the new season approaching and patch 9.1 hitting PTR in 2 weeks!

If you are going to keep talking about anything related to Rogues you have to be consistent and truthful!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I am being truthful.

One rank 1 player making it work doesn’t make it viable. It makes them the exception. On top of that if he were to swap to sub or sin they would most likely be higher rated.

The only reason outlaw was used in a tournament in BFA is not because it was good or has a good toolkit. It was because sin and sub were just that bad.

You’re literally handicapping your team by playing outlaw and that’s a fact.


Same argument was used in BFA. Only rank 1 players were using Sub in PVP like Nahj and Pika

Assassination bad in BFA? Is this joke?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Early in BFA it was. Which is why people played outlaw in tournaments.

Sin is always bad early expansion until you get proper haste.

That doesn’t mean it is bad it means it needs proper gear as the current season shows!

All three specs are gear reliant!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Gear won’t change the pure fact that outlaw will not perform as well as sin or sub period.

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Outlaw is bad at pvp.


Even if you don’t believe some of the others saying it’s bad, maybe consider a different angle. The relative representation of outlaw is one of, if not, the worst for all melee classes in arena. This is including unholy dks, dh and fury warrior. Now I’m not saying you can’t make it work if you completely dedicate your time practicing with it, but you can probably use the same amount of practice time with the other 2 specs, or a different class, to achieve better result with less time investment. Good or bad is relative. So when you consider the pros and cons of all other classes and specs available, outlaw is bad.

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Thank you. Someone gets it.

Maybe there’s no representation cause everyone would rather drool on their one shot macros.

Even if it’s only one guy at 2700, that shows it’s possible. Maybe everyone else needs to “get good.” 🤷

I guarantee, if they suddenly gave Outlaw more damage than Assassin, everyone would reroll, and suddenly “Sin isn’t a PvP spec” would be the new mantra.

That’s the nature of the average PvPer. They’d rather take the easy way out instead of actually being good at the spec they enjoy.

Props to the 2.7k Outlaw.


When you compare it directly to the other two Rogue specs, it’s bad. It’s the same deal with Sub in PVE. Sure, you can pump with it, but it’s bad when comparing it to Sin or Outlaw. Nobody is going to stop you from playing Outlaw, but there’s no denying the fact it’s toolkit is objectively worse in PVP than the other two specs.

People are playing outlaw. It’s just that of the people who decided on playing it, fewer of them show up relative to the entire arena population.

“Get good” takes time, effort and dedication. Our time and interest with the game in finite. It’d take way more investment into outlaw for it to be on even footing with some of the other specs. And at skill cap, this just isn’t comparable to what other specs can bring. So why learn a spec that won’t perform as well when you can play one that’ll perform better with less investment? Of course, all of this depends on the level of interest. If someone loves outlaw, by all means, play it. But don’t expect the same result as someone who plays a different spec that puts in just as much time and effort.

No representation doesn’t mean it’s not played. Also, representation of certain spec doesn’t mean it’s good either. It’s all relative. And it shows that it’s really not in favour of outlaw atm.

That’s kinda the point I’m hinting at through all my drivel and sh** posting. Players pick what’s easy, then tell everyone else they’re bad or wrong when they go off meta.

Personally, there’s no sense of achievement from winning with an OP class. Everyone is doing it. Yay…

Nobody really cares if you’re a high rated Fire/Sub/Ret/Arms. It’s expected.

Someone that is good at the game can win playing specs that “aren’t PvP specs.” A 2.7k Outlaw for example, is a better player than a 2.7k Sub in current meta.

It’s just exhausting to see players say “X isn’t viable” just because it’s not faceroll I guess.

Like if Outlaw got no changes other than high damage, suddenly it goes from “bad kit, not PvP spec” to “this is meta, only playable spec.”


Of course, if you change any variables, the statistics will change. But that depends on which and by how much.

Outlaw should stay bad, I could never imagine playing it in pvp. Before even thinking about making it arena viable they need to redesign the spec lol. Even if they buffed it for the luls and made it overtuned af I’d still not play it.

mentioning outlaw with sub or sin, is very laughable.
funny thing is I could fix this spec in one week if I was a blizzard Dev (without it ruining its pve aspect) but they are clueless.